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About Us


Kissimmee Homeschooling

This website has been put together in honor of my children.  I have found many sites difficult to navigate and filled with information that is more wordy than informative.  In order to make learning easier for my children I have collected information and attempted to put a chronological order to their learning to make it easy for them to grasp the content.  The pages are filled with short videos that are interactive and easy to understand for each of its content area.  


Having a child at home with special needs or gifted can be challenging.  School work can seem tedious and boring to the child.  At times the frustration level can be so high they have very little abosrption to the material they are learning from.  We spent considerable amount of time putting together powerpoints of information but with the countless information available to learn it made it nearly impossible to put into a document.  Another issue we ran into was how static powerpoints can be and having it on our desktop meant that it was not mobile with us when we traveled.  Having the information on a website made it limitless to work with, highly interactive and the best part for us is that it's now mobile.  I can't tell you how much my son enjoys taking a tablet to filter through the information when he's lounging instead of being tied down to a table desktop or lugging around the laptop.  It is my hope that this site will guide my children through a clearer message and enhance their ability to absorb the material in a fun and interactive way.  


While gathering sources for his site it became clear to me that other families and individuals could benefit from the information that we were gathering and applying in a linear form.  We are an active community member of our homeschooling community and belong to several co-ops in our regional areas.  If you would like more information on how to get involved please contact us via email.  We truly hope you will gather good source of information from this site.


The education of the writer of this page includes 2 years of theology, 2 years general education in education and 2 years in nuclear science.  It also includes over 10 years of homeschooling experience, 20 years of business administration, leadership, event coordination, philanthropy, and community service through various organizations.  



THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION-Once finished it will continue to be revised to add new content or improve it's current content.



This site is created with a Christian perspective with respect to the authentic scientific, archeological, theological, and historical events.  Care has been taken to introduce contrasting views to the information provided with remaning intact in the presentation of unrefuted events.  While we respect individual views this page is not up for theological debate.  Should you see information that you feel should be corrected because a date or name is not accurate we welcome you to contact us, so that we may make the appropriate corrections.  This site is evolving in it's content and we would appreciate any support you can provide in helping us correct errors.  


We make no special claim to any information in this site and give full credit to all the individuals to whom the original content is based.  However information was cross referenced through multiple credible sites to obetain the highest integrity possible.  This site was a colllection of information.  If you find it useful for your family we will be very pleased for you to navigate through it.



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