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Origins of logic in the West
Mountain Ranges

In all of biology and the world, there is overlap. Coming up with definite black and white answers that always work rarely happens. You can get definite answers in math. You can even get definite answers in physics. Biology has many gray areas. Scientists will always debate and try to improve ideas and explanations. 


Every known living organism on Earth is classified and named by a set of rules. Those rules are used by all scientists around the planet. The names are called scientific names, not common names. A common name might be calling your pet a dog instead of its scientific name,  Canis familiarus.  Taxonomy is all about relationships amongst animals so that they can be classified into specific groups.  Taxonomists look for what one organism has in common with another and try to figure out the relationship between them. Based on that relationship, the organisms are grouped together in ways that help us make sense of the world.

In 300 B.C. a philosopher named Aristotle thoughtfully observed the world around him. What he saw was a hierarchy of organisms, which he called the "Ladder of Nature". Different organisms showed different levels of complexity and abilities to thrive.  Since there were no microscopes back then, he had no idea that little one-celled organisms existed. Among the organisms that he could see, he saw two major groups that he called kingdoms: plants and animals. Plants were usually green and stationary. They could reproduce and grow. However, their environments determined whether or not they thrived.  Aristotle thought of animals as higher-level organisms because they move around to search for food or to escape predators, and they experience sensation. These characteristics allow them to survive better than plants. They can leave an environment that is no longer providing for their needs. For example, zebras can look for a new source of water if the nearest watering hole dries up.  Aristotle categorized humans as the highest level of organism because they possess all of the characteristics of animals but also have the ability to think and choose and create.

Within the animal kingdom, Aristotle further divided animals into categories based on their anatomical and physiological similarities and differences. The highest level divided animals into those with and without blood. These two categories line up very well with the ones we use today to distinguish animals with bony backbones (vertebrates) from those without (invertebrates). Animals with blood were then subdivided into those that gave birth to live babies (mammals, including humans) versusthose that laid eggs (birds and fish). Animals without blood were subdivided into insects, mollusks, and crustaceans, which were then divided into those with and without shells.

Aristotle was so insightful in the way in which he categorized organisms that many of his categories are still used today, 2,300 years later.


Labels and Naming


For many years, each scientist had his own naming style based on the characteristics of the organisms that he thought were most important. Since Latin was the language of scholars, most organisms were given a group name (such as vegetable, flower, or herb) and then a descriptive name that could be long. 

The situation improved considerably when a Swiss botanist (a scientist who studies plants) named Gaspard Bauhin began to make the names of plants less descriptive. One hundred years later, Bauhin's work would be picked up and improved upon by a Swedish botanist who understood this difficulty and decided that names could be short and random as long as they were unique and everyone knew which organism they named.  This naming system allows scientists across the planet to know which organism is which. While one culture may call a lion a lion, another culture may call it löwe. Across the planet, scientists can all use the same name Panthera leo.



History of the Binomial Naming System


Taxonomy used to be called Systematics. That system grouped animals and plants by characteristics and relationships. Scientists looked at the characteristics (traits) that each organism had in common. They used the shared derived characteristics of organisms. Scientists were then able to find the common ancestry of the organisms. So if you had a nose, scientists would trace back all creatures that had a nose. Then they thought that you were related to them (because you all had noses). Organisms are now organized by a combination of observable traits and genetics, not one superficial trait (like a nose).


Over the years there have been different ways of grouping the living things on Earth. Some scientists have used something called a Phenetic System that uses phenotypic similarities. Phenotypic means "physical." Scientists compared what animals looked like, not their genetics. Also, organisms were grouped according to their similarities. For example, a dolphin could be more like a fish than you, because they swim and have fins. But in reality, they are mammals and have more similarities to you than to any fish. As an aside, there is something called genotypic similarities that are genetic in nature, like the number of chromosomes you have. Scientists also used a Cladistic System when they used phylogenic similarities. The phylogenic system uses evolutionary similarities to group organisms. So birds might be related to dinosaurs, which are reptiles, because scientists think that birds evolved from early dinosaurs.


Carolus Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist, considered the father of modern taxonomy, who lived in the 18th century. He gave himself the huge task of creating a uniform system for naming all living organisms.  He created a hierarchal classification of organisms with 6 levels, or taxa. He started with the category of greatest diversity and worked his way down to the smallest category: Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. 


Use the phrase "King Phillip Commands Order For Governing Simply."  Use the acronym to help you remember the order KPCOFGS.


The Naming System Order is; 


Domain (Eukarya, Bacteria, Archea)

KINGDOM (really really big)

PHYLUM/DIVISION (divisions used for plants and fungi)

CLASS, ORDER, FAMILY, GENUS (genera if more than one)

SPECIES (very very specific)

VARIETY (for geographic isolation)


Kingdoms fall under the larger grouping called DOMAINS. There are three domains used in modern classification. The domain EUKARYA is used for all eukaryotic species that include protists, fungi, plants, and animals. The two domains BACTERIAand ARCHEA are used to group two different types of prokaryote organisms. They are in different domains because differences on a molecular level. 


If you want to memorize it with that phrase just say "Dorky King Phillip Commands Order For Governing Simply." 

At the very top of the tree were 3 Kingdoms: Minerae (Minerals), Plantae (plants), and Animalia (animals). Within each kingdom were several classes; within each class were several orders; within each order were several families; within each family were several genera (the plural spelling of genus); within each genus were several species.  The first word is the genus and the second is the species. The first word is capitalized and the second is not. Every organism (and rock) belonged to a kingdom, class, order, family, genus, and species.  By 1758, Linnaeus had named and classified 4,400 species of animals and 7,700 species of plants. Most significantly, though, he decided that each type of organism should be identified with only two words: the name of the genus and species to which it belonged. This naming system is called the binomial naming system of nomenclature. A binomial name means that it's made up of two words (bi-nomial). Humans are scientifically named Homo sapiens. You may also see an abbreviation of this name as H. sapiens where the genus is only represented by the first letter.


History of Taxonomy


Remember that Latin doesn't just add an "s" to the end of a word to make it plural. Without going into the grammar rules, remember these tricky terms:

Singular           Plural


Taxon                Taxa

Phylum             Phyla

Genus                Genera

Fungus              Fungi


Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution

In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book The Origin of Species on his theory of evolution.  Darwin saw that all populations of organisms exhibit variations among individuals. Some traits provide advantages for surviving in a particular environment. Others create disadvantages. As an environment changes, the individuals that happen to be best equipped for those changes thrive and reproduce abundantly while the individuals that are poorly adapted die off. Over time, the original traits of a population shift, creating a population whose characteristics are better suited to their new environment. Over hundreds and thousands of years, these small changes accumulate until the existing population is so different from the original one that they can no longer reproduce with each other, indicating the evolution of a new species. He  then theorized that every currently existing species is related to a previously existing one.  While this theory is popular among some scientist many have pointed out that while plants and animals do adapt they remain the same species and no observable evidence has been provided demonstrating that a species has converted into a different species.

Although Darwin's theory did not immediately alter taxonomic classifications, it drastically altered the significance of taxa. If two groups of organisms shared similar characteristics and were placed in the same taxon, a hypothesis was automatically generated: the organisms are probably related to each other evolutionarily.  

Around the same time, a monk named Gregor Mendel was working hard to understand how characteristics are inherited from one generation of organisms to another. We now recognize him as the father of modern genetics. He didn't know about DNA but he knew that there had to be some entity inside reproductive cells from the male and the female parents that carried information. The combination of that information in the new organism determined its characteristics in predictable ways.  Although Darwin and Mendel were unaware of each other's work, Mendel's theory of genetics provided Darwin's theory of evolution with the information it was lacking. Not only are genes the vehicle for the inheritance of traits—mutations in genes provide populations with new variations in their traits.  Since genes are the fundamental unit of inheritance and variation in individuals, the genetic sequences of closely related individuals are similar. The more closely related two individuals are, the more similar their genetic sequences will be. In the realm of taxonomy, scientists eventually learned to use genetic sequences to determine how closely related two different kinds of organisms are evolutionarily.


Classification development


As more and more organisms were discovered and classified, taxonomists realized that some of Linnaeus' taxa no longer fit what they knew. For example, with the invention of the microscope, tiny organisms were discovered that had never been seen before. Some were green like plants but swam like tiny animals; others created patches of bright yellow "fuzz" that is lovingly referred to as "dog vomit slime mold". Others were single-celled bacteria in all kinds of different shapes, sort of like pasta varieties. In 1866, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel suggested that it was time for a new kingdom, and Kingdom Protista was born. There had only been the Kingdoms Plantae and Animalia since the time of Aristotle 2000 years earlier.  Animalia are the most complex organisms on the planet. One big thing about animals is that they must eat other organisms to survive. They cannot create their own food because they do not contain chlorophyll. They are able to move around, and most have sense organs of some type. Because they have those sense organs, they have nervous systems. Animals include species such as anemone, insects, lizards, and mammals.  The protists are usually single celled organisms. They have a distinct nucleus. Some form colonies (or groups of single cells), some act more like animals (they move around and have large cells), and some are even like plants (algae, have chlorophyll and do photosynthesis). 


In 1937, a French marine biologist named Edouard Chatton realized that all cells could be divided into two categories based on whether or not they had a nucleus. Cells without a nucleus were called prokaryotes, meaning "before nucleus;" those with a nucleus were called eukaryotes, meaning "true nucleus." Prokaryotes are always single-celled (unicellular) organisms. Eukaryotes can be unicellular or multicellular. 

In 1969, the scientist R.H. Whittaker proposed two new kingdoms. He thought that "plants," like mushrooms, that don't photosynthesize, don't reproduce through seeds, and get their energy by absorbing it from other (dead or living) creatures should be separated from the rest of the Kingdom Plantae. Whittaker introduced Kingdom Fungi.  This kingdom is made up of the decomposers (they absorb nutrients). Some of the members of this kingdom are fungi, slime molds, yeast, mold, and mushrooms.  He also proposed Kingdom Prokaryotae to include all of the prokaryotes, which were all considered to be bacteria.  The characteristics of plants are that they have chlorophyll, cell walls (cellulose), and vacuoles. This kingdom also includes red, brown, and green algae.

In the mid-1990s, an entirely new level was added to the hierarchy at the very top. This happened because scientists learned that the Kingdom Prokaryotae contained two very different types of organisms. Using genetic comparisons, a scientist named Carl Woese suggested that there were "true" bacteria and "ancient" bacteria. The "ancient" bacteria had different structures than "true" bacteria, had very different ways of producing energy, and often could withstand extreme environments, like those found in the super-hot, super-deep ocean vents.  Woese suggested that there are three major branches in the tree of life: "ancient" bacteria, "true" bacteria, and everything else (eukaryotes). This idea didn't catch on until Carol J. Bult genetically confirmed twenty years later. We now call these three major branches Domains.  Domains are broader than kingdoms.


The domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.

The Kingdom Prokaryotae was divided into two kingdoms (Archaea and Bacteria), instead.

The Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia are all defined under the Domain Eukarya. 

To remember the order of the taxa, make up a mnemonic device like this one: Dear Karen Put Carrots On the Front Garage Steps.


Diversity of Organisms (Systematics)


Every species has a particular representative that is used by scientists as the model citizen. If you find a beetle that you've never seen before and want to decide if it's a new species, analyze all of the beetle models and see if yours is unique. If so, name it something awesome. We're thinking Beetleus shmoopeum. These models are called lectotypes. Carolus Linnaeus has been named the lectotype for the species Homo sapiens.


Taxonomists know of about 1.8 million, but they think that there may be several million more that haven't been identified yet. The study of the diversity of organisms and their relationships is called systematics

Classifying Organisms




When you looked around your classroom on the first day of school, what stood out was probably everyone's differences. You probably noticed many different colors of skin, hair, and eyes. You saw kids of different heights and weights, with noses and ears of different shapes, and maybe you thought that we are each really different from each other.  It is true that each person is totally unique and unrepeatable, but, at the genetic level, individual human beings are extremely similar to each other and only differ by 0.1%!  We are all part of the same species of organisms called Homo sapiens.  Homo means "man;" sapiens means "wise." Homo sapiens is our full species name; sapiens is our species identifier. 


You're backpacking up volcanoes in the Galapagos Islands and you come upon a pink iguana. You are quite sure that this is a lizard that has never been named before. That means you get the great privilege—and challenge—of properly categorizing it and giving it a unique name. Your buddy says, "Well, it's pink. That is a very important part of its identity. There aren't many animals that are pink. Flamingos are the only other ones that I can think of. Maybe it should be classified with the flamingos."  Nope. Not a good plan. Just because a characteristic is very visible or very unique does not mean that it is very important to the organism's identity. If we created a classification system based primarily on color, we would have to put pink iguanas, pink flamingos, and pink roses in the same group. Beyond their color, we all know that those 3 organisms are very different. Detailed characteristics like color only factor into taxonomic classification at the more detailed levels of the hierarchy, especially at the species level.

Color isn't a good starting place for taxonomists, but there are other characteristics that organisms share that are very crucial to their survival. These characteristics can tell us more about their place in the tree of life. Taxonomy is about grouping similar organisms together, and evolutionary adaptation is what creates new similarities and preserves old ones. Similarities express evolutionary relatedness and relatedness is what makes us group organisms together.

Since evolution works through the survival of the fittest, the characteristics that most affect survival are the ones that matter when classifying organisms. For example, body structure , habitat, diet, and mode of reproduction all tell us more about an organism than whether or not it is pink. Genes, directly or indirectly, guide all of these characteristics. Genes are what allow them to be passed on to future generations and are affected by natural selection.  Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, but the genetic (heritable) basis of any phenotype that gives a reproductive advantage may become more common in a population.

Characteristics to Assess for Proper Classification

1. Cell type is probably the most fundamental characteristic to assess for proper classification. Whether or not an organism is prokaryotic or eukaryotic is crucial to its classification at the domain level. Which structures are inside and outside of the cell is also important. Even technical details, like which molecules are found in the organism's cell wall, can give important clues. 

Related to cell type is body organization. How complex is the organism? Organisms can sometimes be single celled. Others exist as single cells but can sometimes form groups in order to work together for survival. Animals are complicated, beginning as a single cell and developing into an entity with organ systems that are made up of organs, which are made up of tissues, which are made up of individual cells all working together to maintain the health of the organism.

2. Body structures like feathers, scales, skin, and bones are your next big organism indicator. Body structures are extremely important for the survival of an organism in its environment. They tell us a lot about how two different kinds of organisms are related. If they both have bones, for example, they probably both evolved from a common ancestor with bones. We can also compare the shape, size, and number of bones to find similarities. 

3. Habitat gives us more information. A single-celled critter residing in a hot vent on the ocean floor probably belongs to the Domain Archaea. Organisms that live in very unique environments are suited to survive in those environments in unique ways. Life in the desert vs. life in Antarctica vs. life at high altitudes in the Andes all present populations with particular challenges that they must adapt to or possibly go extinct.

4. Diet is often related to habitat. Organisms need to be able to obtain energy and molecular building blocks from their surroundings, whatever they may be. Some organisms are self-sufficient and are able to make organic molecules on their own out of inorganic molecules. Most of them get their energy from the light of the sun. Other organisms have to get their organic molecules and energy from other organisms, either by living in them (as a parasite), eating them, or breaking them down after they have died to absorb their nutrients. 

5. An organism's mode of reproduction also tells us a lot. Reproducing asexually by splitting in two is more primitive than reproducing sexually. It does not create as much genetic diversity and does not require any specialized cells or organs. Organisms that do reproduce sexually have many different ways of doing so. The fertilization of the eggs might take place outside of the female if the male and female deposit the sperm and eggs in the water. Fertilization might take place within the female, after which she lays eggs on land with a hard or leathery shell. Fertilization and the development of the young might take place within the female, culminating in a live birth. Those are just the 3 most common options.

6. Speaking of development, scientists have observed that animals with similar developmental patterns are related to each other. This has given rise to a whole field of biology nicknamed EvoDevo. The body structures and other adaptations of adult animals have to develop over a period of time. At first, they don't look like their future selves. They are in a smaller, simplified form; the differences visible in adulthood haven't developed yet. In fact, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish embryos of different species from each other. 

7. The last characteristic that scientists compare is the behavior of organisms. Because behavior can often help or hinder survival. How social an animal is with other members of its species is one pattern to look for. Some fish, for example, always swim in schools because there is safety in numbers. Certain species of sharks, however, tend to roam through the ocean on their own, only meeting up to breed. 


Mating rituals, preening, care for young, aggression, sleeping habits and reactions to danger are other types of behavior that scientists monitor.Since each of these seven characteristics is genetically determined, an organism's genome (or entire genetic sequence) provides a major tool for analyzing relationships. The genome of each organism is where mutations occur, which add variety to a population, which allows for competition and natural selection.

Family Trees (Phylogenetic Trees)


The next logical step for taxonomists was to begin creating "family trees" for all of the species to show their inter-relatedness. These graphical representations of the history of related organisms are called phylogenetic trees.  The history (or phylogeny) of an organism determines how complex it is and which adaptations and characteristics it has.  Shared, or homologous, traits are some of the biggest clues suggesting relatedness between two species. Homologous traits are similar traits found in two different species.  The more homologous traits two species share, and the more similar those traits are, the more closely the species are related.  

Take a nifty feature like echo location. That's the process that bats use to navigate in the dark. It's a pretty neat trick and it requires many adaptations. The bat has to have a voice box that can make the right sound, its ears have to be highly tuned to that pitch, and its brain has to be able to interpret the information contained in the sounds. It's a complex adaptation, so it might be assumed that any creature with this ability would be related. Nope. In addition to many species of bats, there are also two species of small, nearly blind, mole-like animals called shrews that use echolocation. There is also a whole suborder of toothed whales that use it, too.


Trait Similarity (Homoplasy) 

This phenomenon of unrelated organisms sharing a few similar traits is called homoplasy, which occurs when a characteristic looks homologous but isn't. Homoplastic traits can arise through convergent evolution. Convergent evolution happens when two totally different species develop similar traits. They have come up with the same solution to a problem but from different directions.  We start as the same species, but then as more generations develop, my group becomes good at one thing and yours at another.  Distantly related organisms can independently adapt to similar environments and lifestyles by acquiring similar characteristics. In the case of the bats, shrews, and whales, they each gradually acquired mutations that made echolocation possible, which helped them flourish in spite of their vision impairment.  In contrast, divergent evolution is when the development starts at one place and splits in different directions. Coevolution is when two different species change and evolve over time together. They are usually dependent on each other for survival. Flowers and insects are good examples of this type of coevolution. 

When systematists are trying to classify a new organism, they look for traits that seem homologous with another group of organisms. In order to rule out homoplasy, they look at the rest of what they know about the organisms and their phylogenies. They begin at the top of the taxonomic hierarchy (domains) and work their way down. The traits that bind them together in those upper taxa are shared ancestral characters (or plesiomorphies). The shared ancestral characters of a particular taxon are common to all members of that taxon and of all of the taxa below it.

Moving down the taxonomic hierarchy, the traits that are held in common among organisms of a particular taxon become more specific. Those are newer traits that through mutation and natural selection shared derived characters, or synapomorphies. They are traits that didn't exist earlier in the species history. Once they do come into being, they can be passed on to and shared by all of the descendants of that species.  All of this can be mapped out in a phylogenetic tree.  The evolutionary theory divides populations who seem to have diverged from one another and become separate species.  Systematists draw the new species as a branch "sprouting" from the original species. That original species is then called the common ancestor of the two new species and the branching off point is called anode.

Species that share derived characters form a clade, which is a section of a phylogenetic tree derived from the same branch and common ancestor. A cladogram shows the phylogeny of a clade. If additional species branch off from the first new species, the whole group of descendants can ultimately create a much larger taxon. 


Dinosaurs are prehistoric and extinct, but they are not the most primitive animals. That honor belongs to sponges. The bright pink, purple, and orange sponges that live in the ocean and make up the phylum Porifera are joined by another phylum, Placozoa, in a clade called the Parazoa. The animals in both phyla are asymmetrical. They have specialized cells that perform different functions within the organism but their cells do not join together to form tissues. Tissues are groups of cells, like skin cells, working together on the same job. 

At some point early in the history of animals, scientists believe that some of the Parazoa started to form tissues during development. This gave those animals such an evolutionary advantage that almost all animals today have tissues. We call all animals with tissues the Eumetazoa. We know—Sneezy would make more sense. They begin development as a single cell (zygote) that multiplies and becomes a ball of cells (embryo), which then forms into tissues called germ layers. Simple animals like jellyfish only form two germ layers: an outer layer, or ectoderm, and an inner layer, or endoderm

Another step occurred when some animals developed a third, middle germ layer, called the mesoderm. The bodies of all animals in the clade Bilateria are formed from three germ layers. Each germ layer always becomes the same type of tissue in adult animals. For example, the outer germ layer (or ectoderm) always becomes the nervous system and skin (or its associated scales, feathers, or hair) in all animals in the Bilateria clade.


Radial and Bilateral Symmetry


Within the Eumetazoa, there are two clades representing another accomplishment in EvoDevo: symmetry. If you draw an imaginary line through the middle of the organism, does it look the same on both sides of the line? Simple animals like jellyfish exhibit radial symmetry. Their body structures are arranged like the spokes of a wheel around a central axis. They also receive information about their environment equally from every "side" of their bodies. That's like a teacher having eyes in the back of her head, and on both sides. Animals that show radial symmetry are within the clade known as Radiata and they include the phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora.

During at least one part of development, most animals exhibit bilateral symmetry, which means that there is only one line that can be drawn through them to create symmetry. A corn dog has bilateral symmetry. An animal that is bilaterally symmetrical has some specialized structures at one end or the other, indicating that it interacts with its environment in a directional fashion—usually "head on." Animals exhibiting bilateral symmetry are part of the clade called Bilateria.


Body Cavity

Within the Bilateria, we can see three clades of animals based on the presence and type of body cavity. A body cavity, or coelom (pronounced "see-lum"), is an inner, fluid-filled space between the digestive tube and the outer wall of an organism. In humans, this space is where our inner organs (such as the kidneys) "float."  The most primitive bilateral animals developed in a simple fashion from their 3 germ layers. They had an outer "skin" made from the ectoderm, a muscle layer and inner gel-like layer made from the mesoderm, and an inner tube for digestion, made from the endoderm. These animals include the flatworm and ribbon worm phyla, Platyhelminthes and Nemertea, and are called Acoelomates, because they have no coelom.

The next clade is called the Pseudocoelomates because they have a "quasi-coelom." They have a space between their digestive tract and their outer wall but it isn't completely set apart as a body cavity because it is only lined with a mesodermal tissue layer on the outer edge closest to the outer wall. Starting from the center of their bodies, we find a digestive tract (from endoderm), a fluid-filled space, a muscle layer (from mesoderm), and an outer "skin" (from ectoderm). Included in this clade are the phyla Nematoda and Rotifera.

The last clade within Bilateria is called the Coelomates because the animals within this group have true coeloms. Their body cavities are surrounded entirely by a layer of tissue that develops from the mesoderm. Thus, again starting from the center of their bodies, we find a digestive tract (from endoderm), a muscle layer (from mesoderm), a fluid-filled space, another muscle layer (from mesoderm), and an outer "skin" (from ectoderm).'


Patterns of Cleavage and Gastrulation


Bilateral animals can also be grouped into two other clades (Protostomes and Deuterostomes) based on two other adaptive patterns.  
Animals begin as a single cell, which divides into two cells, which then divide into four cells all in a single plane (they're flat). During the next cell division, the four new cells will be added on top of the four original ones, creating a third dimension. If these new cells appear directly above the four original ones, the pattern is called radial cleavage, which is characteristic of deuterostomes. If the new cells are added diagonally above the four original ones, the pattern is called spiral cleavage, which is characteristic of protostomes. 

Later in development, the embryo, called a blastula at that point, undergoes a process called gastrulation. The embryo consists of a ball of cells, one layer on the outside (ectoderm) and one mass of cells inside (mesoderm). Some of the outer, ectodermal cells push themselves in toward the center of the ball (imagine poking your finger into a balloon), creating a third layer of cells (endoderm), which form an inner canal with an opening to the outside world. This opening is called the blastopore. In most protostomes, the blastopore becomes the mouth of the organism. In deuterostomes, it becomes the anus and the mouth forms later from a second opening. This difference is seen in the names of the two clades, which come from Greek. "Stoma" means "mouth," "proto" means "first," and "deutero" means "second."  All acoelomates and pseudocoelomates and some coelomates are protostomes.




One final evolutionary accomplishment that affects how we classify organisms is segmentation. Segmentation allows certain structures within a body plan to be "copied and pasted" during development to create repeating body compartments that can then be specialized for different tasks. Segmentation is most easily seen in earthworms but also occurs in arthropods (insects) and vertebrates. 

Since most things at the macro level are determined by the expression of genes, studying those genes directly is the most exact way of comparing organisms. Since all living things are made of cells and since all cells perform a few of the same basic functions, all living things contain at least a few of the same genes that govern these basic functions. Some of these genes are called housekeeping genes because, as vacuuming and dishwashing are necessary for any household, these genes are necessary for the smooth operation of any cell. 

The most widely studied housekeeping genes do not actually encode a protein, but instead they encode ribosomal RNA (rRNA). rRNA is used by all known living organisms to synthesize proteins from messenger RNA (mRNA). Even if the proteins being created are very different from one organism to the other, the process for making them is very similar. Once an evolved method works, it will probably remain that way in all future generations.  Since all organisms possess genes for rRNA, we can compare their rRNA sequences to look for differences caused by mutations. When scientists compare the rRNA sequences from two different organisms, they are looking for how many "words in the sentence" have been changed. The more nucleic acids are different between the two sequences, the more changes have occurred. Scientists then attempt to confirm this estimate with other data, such as fossils and carbon dating. This information allows systematists to create a chronological order of events, each event represented as a new branch emerging from a node on a phylogenetic tree. This new scientific field is called molecular systematics.

The first difference is that the clades based on the type of coelom are gone. That's because biologists had logically assumed that animals without a coelom came first, followed by a pseudocoelom, and then a true coelom. However, when the genetic data were analyzed, systematists found that the acoelomate worms actually evolved from animals with more complex bodies, becoming simpler over time. This process is known as reversal. It occurs when a trait reverts to an earlier form, creating another kind of homoplasy.

The protostomes are now divided into two new clades, the Lophotrochozoa and the Ecdysozoa. The lophotrocozoa clade includes mollusks (Phylum Mollusca), segmented worms (Phylum Annelida), and several aquatic creatures with a ciliated ring of tentacles around their mouths. Ecdysozoa are all organisms that molt. ("Ecdysis" is the Greek word for molting.) 




"Troph" means nourishment or food in Greek. Next, remember that auto- and hetero- pertain to carbon sources and chemo-and photo- pertain to energy sources. Autotrophs are autonomous/independent of other organisms; they do not rely on others to create organic compounds but can do it on their own. Heterotrophs get their carbon by digesting organisms (either autotrophs or their fellow heterotrophs) that already contain organic compounds. Chemotrophs are like batteries; they get their energy from chemicals. Phototrophs are like solar panels; they get their energy from the sun.

Prokaryotes v. Eukaryotes


We've tossed these words around already, but now we'll really unpack them. The root "karyon" comes from the Greek word for nucleus. "Pro" means "before" and "eu" means "true." Therefore, the major distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that the former organisms do not have a nucleus and the latter ones do. 

The nucleus is one type of membrane-bound organelle. Prokaryotes aren't just lacking nuclei; they don't have any organelles. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have plasma membranes and most prokaryotes have cell walls, which they share with some eukaryotic cells, like plants.

Prokaryotes are haploid, meaning they only have a single copy of their genes, which is contained within a circular molecule of DNA. Prokaryotes reproduce asexually, whereas eukaryotes usually reproduce sexually and are always diploid, meaning they have two different copies (alleles) of each gene. That said, prokaryotes could share some of their genes with non-offspring in what is called horizontal gene transfer. This is a more primitive, less complete way of increasing the genetic diversity within a population.

The final difference we'll consider is size. Prokaryotes are almost always unicellular. Only a few species can create colonies containing cells with different tasks. The simplest eukaryotes are also unicellular, but most eukaryotes are multicellular once they get past the awkward fertilization stage. 

Human egg cells are among the largest cells on Earth. They tend to be somewhere over 100 μm in diameter, which is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Adults are made of 60-90,000,000,000,000 (trillion) cells. 

Metabolic Options


All living things need energy to survive. This energy fuels the reactions that build the molecules that they need and recycle the ones that they don't need.  

Organisms can either get their energy from chemical compounds, in which case they're called chemotrophs, or they can capture it from sunlight, giving them the name phototrophs. All organisms also need a source of carbon atoms to make most of the molecules in their bodies. When an organism's carbon source is the organic molecules of other organisms, it is called a heterotroph. Heterotrophs must consume other organisms, which is why they are often called consumers. When an organism is able to use (inorganic) carbon dioxide to create its own organic molecules, it is called an autotroph. Autotrophs are also called producers because they can produce their own carbon compounds.Based on their needs for both energy and carbon, we can combine these terms and classify organisms into four categories.

1) Chemoheterotrophs need organic molecules as a carbon and an energy source. We, for example, eat plants and animals, which are made up of organic molecules. We then digest those molecules by breaking their bonds, which releases energy that can be harnessed and used to do work. Breaking down large molecules has the added benefit of creating many smaller molecules that can then by reworked and made into the proteins and other molecules that we need. All animals are chemoheterotrophs.

2) Photoheterotrophs get their carbon from other organisms but also get their energy from the sun. This means that they must somehow digest or decompose matter from other organisms but they have chlorophyll or other pigments that can capture energy from the sun. Purple non-sulfur bacteria are fun examples that use a purple pigment to absorb sunlight instead of chlorophyll, which is green.

3) Photoautotrophs capture energy from the sun to make their own organic molecules out of inorganic molecules, like carbon dioxide. In this way, photoautotrophs are the least dependent on other organisms. Unicellular photoautotrophs were probably the first form of life on Earth. Almost all plants are photoautotrophs.

4) Chemoautotrophs are quite special because they can use inorganic molecules both to make organic molecules and as an energy source. Therefore they can survive in weird, extreme environments, like deep in the ocean where the sun doesn't shine. They use carbon dioxide as a carbon source and they oxidize molecules like ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for energy. Most archaea are chemoautotrophs.


Domain Bacteria


All members of the Domain Bacteria are prokaryotic. Under the Domain Bacteria, there is a single Kingdom, also called Bacteria. Within that kingdom, there are more than 20 recognized phyla. They are generally classified based on their shape, the characteristics of their cell walls, and their type of metabolism.

Pathogenic bacteria are the ones everyone thinks of when they hear the word "bacteria." They're the ones that can get us sick. They cause everything from mild stomach upset and severe food poisoning to deadly spinal meningitis. They can also cause epidemics, especially chlamydia, tuberculosis, and cholera. The bacterium Yersinia pestis was the cause of the Black Death plague that decimated Europe's population in the mid-14th century (and wiped out large portions of the Middle East and Asia, too). Luckily, antibiotics and good hygiene are generally effective against bacteria. 

Bacteria are small, microscopic, but just because we can't see something doesn't mean that it isn't there. In fact, there are more than 10 times as many bacterial cells in your body than human cells. Some bacteria help our bodies to digest our food, develop our immune systems, and keep "bad bacteria" and other microscopic organisms in check.

Bacteria are a very diverse group of organisms. Most of them are chemoheterotrophs. If they decompose dead matter, they are called saprotrophs. The ones that feed off of living matter (like the ones inside of us) are not necessarily pathogenic, but some are. Other bacteria are photoautotrophs, like cyanobacteria, or photoheterotrophs, like purple nonsulfur bacteria. They contain chlorophyll or other pigments that can trap the energy contained in sunlight. Iron bacteria are one type of chemoautotrophic bacteria. They form that brownish residue around the insides of toilet tanks. They're harmless but they sure don't look nice.


Domain Archaea


All archaea are also prokaryotic. They were originally thought to be the most ancient, living life form, which is where they get their name (think "archaic").  They were also thought to be a type of bacteria, which is understandable because they are often rod- or sphere-shaped, just like bacteria. They are also prokaryotic, like bacteria. But molecular systematics has recently shown us that they are more similar to eukaryotes than bacteria are, suggesting that bacteria are actually the more ancient organisms.

We also now know about some of their genetic and biochemical differences with bacteria, which we have summarized for you below 



  • No peptidoglycan* in cell walls

  • Different phospholipids in cell membranes

  • 3 RNA polymerases, like eukaryotes

  • Ribosomes similar to eukaryotic ribosomes




  • Peptidoglycan* in cell walls

  • Different phospholipids in cell membranes

  • One RNA polymerase

  • Ribosomes not so similar to eukaryotic ribosomes


* Peptidoglycan is a repeating macromolecule (polymer) made of amino acids and sugars that form an interconnecting web that gives bacterial cell walls structure and strength.

Archaea are generally classified into five phyla (Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Korarchaeota, Nanoarchaeota, and Thaumarchaeota). Since these tiny cells are often hard to find and study, there isn't always agreement on which organism belongs where. 

Methanogens like to live in places that are void of oxygen because their cellular respiration is anaerobic. They can be found in swamps and in the guts of many animals, including us. As their name suggests, they produce methane gas as a byproduct of their respiration

Extreme halophiles love to live in environments that are very salty, like the Dead Sea in Israel/Jordan or the Great Salt Lake, UT. The water in these places can be ten times as salty as regular ocean water. Due to osmosis, if these little cells didn't have some intense protections, their insides would be sucked right out of them.

Extreme thermophiles like it hot (> 113 ºF/45 ºC). They are usually found in hydrothermal vents in the ocean or in hot springs like those in Yellowstone National Park. The record for bearing the heat stands at 248 ºF/121 ºC. Most proteins denature (or unfold) at high temperatures. Since most of the structure and function of a cell comes from proteins, these tiny creatures have to have super special proteins that can withstand that kind of heat without losing their function. 

Rings of golden color formed by mats of bacteria and archaea that love the heat of Great Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park. The center of the spring is so blue because it is pure, sterile water. It is so hot in the center that no living things are found there.


We owe much of what we know about molecular biology to a bacterium. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique used in every molecular biology lab in the world. It allows a small section of DNA to be copied over and over again to create enough of it to study. The reaction requires a DNA polymerase that can withstand temperatures high enough to separate the double strands of the DNA template (~205 ºF/96 ºC). Such a polymerase was found and isolated from a bacterial thermophile called Thermus aquaticus


Domain Eukarya


As we move through the kingdoms within the eukaryotic domain, cells begin to work together in tissues to perform specialized tasks. Then the tissues begin to work together as organs and the organs and tissues work together in organ systems. Social animals specialize and work together in communities, adding the final level of collaboration to the hierarchical nature of life. Remember that each of these advances is an adaptation, which also means that they represent new categories being formed within our taxonomic hierarchy.


Kingdom Protista


Protists are are usually microscopic and unicellular but that's where their similarities end. They are, of course, eukaryotic, too, since they belong to the Domain Eukarya. They are actually thought to be direct descendants of the earliest eukaryotes and fungi, plants, and animals.  Though they are usually unicellular, some live together in colonies of loosely connected cells and others are made up of many cells. Some are even made of a single cell with multiple nuclei. In order to move, some push their cell mass around and extend it to create "fake feet" (pseudopods) for pulling themselves forward; others use long, rope-like structures (flagella) that whip around to propel them through their environments; and others have hair-like cilia covering their little bodies to push them through liquids.

Eating—or obtaining nutrients—is also accomplished in many different ways. Some protists are photoautotrophs, like plants and algae, because they contain chloroplasts and undergo photosynthesis. Some are more like heterotrophic fungi because they digest food outside of themselves and then absorb the nutrients. Others remind us of animals because they actually take food particles into their bodies and digest them there.  Kelp looks like a plant but is a kind of brown algae and is one of the largest organisms in Kingdom Protista.


Kingdom Fungi


Fungi are usually decomposers (chemoheterotrophs) that break down dead things. Fungi are an important worker, together with bacteria, in any compost pile. Without these decomposers, your beloved pile of grass and leaves in the back yard would just sit there and never become the rich fertilizer you wants for the garden.  All fungi are made of eukaryotic cells whose cell walls contain complex carbohydrates, usually chitin. Fungi are generally considered to be yeast or molds, depending on whether they are unicellular or multicellular.  Yeasts are found all over the place: in dirt, on plants, on our skin, and in our bodies. They are also responsible for making bread and alcoholic beverages, and even some medicines.  Molds begin as unicellular spores that begin to replicate, creating long, branching filaments (hyphae) that allow them to penetrate food sources. These filaments then mature into tangled webs (mycelia). 

Reproduction in fungi is varied. It usually happens through the creation of spores, but this can happen both sexually (through meiosis) and asexually (through mitosis) in the same organism, though not at the same time. Creating the spores sexually has the advantage of producing genetic variety, but it isn't as fast as asexual spore formation. Spores are hard to kill. If a fungus feels threatened, it's going to quickly make asexual spores and hope that its descendants will live to see a better day. 

There are five distinct phyla in this kingdom: Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Glomeromycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. Scientists who study fungi are called. Mycologists.


Kingdom Plantae


All plants are eukaryotes and most plants are photoautotrophs, but there are exceptions to most biological rules.  A few plants are actually carnivorous, and thus photoheterotrophs, like the Venus fly trap. They are still capable of obtaining nutrients from the air and soil, but they tend to live in places with nutrient-poor soil.

All plant cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane, which is then surrounded by a stiff cell wall. The cell wall gives structure and support to the plant, helping it to stand upright. It's an advantage for a plant to stand tall. There is less competition for space in the ground. giving the advantage to catch more rays of sun, which is necessary for photosynthesis.  Most plants get tall enough that they need a way to transport water and nutrients from their roots in the soil up to their top parts. They have vascular tissues that are analogous to our blood vessels, except they are tougher and there is no heart to pump liquids through. They actually have two different sets of vessels: xylem that carry water and dissolved inorganic minerals and phloem that carry dissolved organic molecules like sugar. Both of these tissues contain the polymer lignin to strengthen and support them.

All plants have the same life cycle, called alteration of generations. Alternation of generations basically involves a diploid phase and a haploid phase. Different plants spend different portions of their lives in each phase and the structures and mechanisms used in each phase vary with phyla.

Plant life cycle: alternation of generations

Plants can be classified into five broad categories, each containing a few phyla. Nonvascular bryophytes (Phyla Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, Anthocerophyta) include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. These short plants are so short that they don't need the vascular network that other plants need. They also don't have real roots, leaves, or stems. All together, that means they need to live in moist environments. You may have heard that moss only grows on the north side of trees and that's true-ish. In lands north of the equator, the sun will never directly shine on the north side of a tree so it will tend to be cooler and more moist on that side so there will tend to be more moss there. However, if you're in a cool, moist climate like Washington State, it probably doesn't matter which side of the tree you're on. The moss will be happy anywhere.

There are two big groups of vascular plants: those with seeds and those without. The vascular seedless plants (Phyla Lycopodiophyta, Pteridophyta) may not have had seeds but they have all of the other "normal" trappings of a plant, like roots, leaves, and stems.  Vascular seeded plants are then divided into two more groups: those with "naked" seeds (the gymnosperms) and those with fruit surrounding their seeds (the angiosperms). Fruit is actually the wall of a plant's ovary nourishing and protecting its developing seed(s).

Gymnosperms include the Phyla Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Gnetophyta. The first phylum is the conifers: evergreens with their seeds in cones. The cycads and some of the Gnetophyta also bear their seeds in cones. Ginkgo biloba trees (the only living species in the Ginkgophyta phylum) and some of the plants in Gnetophyta have seeds that look something like berries but they aren't made from the ovary wall or they would be classified as angiosperms.

Angiosperms are just one big phylum, Anthophyta. The ovaries of angiosperms mature into a thick coating around the seeds, which we technically call fruit. This is not your typical "fruits and vegetables" fruit, though. Angiosperms include wheat, corn, and cacti, to name just a few "non-fruits." The fruits of angiosperms help to protect and disperse the seeds. When eating fruit, most animals besides humans don't bother to spit out the seeds. So, the seeds travel through the gut of the animal for a while as it wanders in search of more food. Eventually, the seeds are deposited on the ground again, leaving the animal from the end opposite that through which they came in as waste material.


Kingdom Animalia


These guys are all eukaryotes. They are all multicellular in their adult forms and have the most complex body plans of all organisms on Earth. Some are more complex than others, but they all have their cells arranged and working together in tissues, which work together to create organs, which work with other organs and tissues to create organ systems. 

This sponge is nicknamed a Venus Flower Basket but its scientific name is Euplectella aspergillum.

All animals can reproduce sexually, but a few have some creative alternatives. Some simple animals, like sponges, can reproduce asexually by creating a new adult from a fragment that breaks off from a parent organism. Some animals, including sponges, are hermaphrodites, meaning that a single organism can produce both eggs and sperm. In sponges, a given organism will only produce one type of gamete at a time. Fertilization happens when its gametes are released and fuse with those of a sponge producing the opposite kind of gamete. Other hermaphrodites, like Ctenophores (comb jellies), are capable of fertilizing their own gametes because they produce both eggs and sperm simultaneously. 

Among some of the most important developments of animals are those that protect their young as they mature. The location of both fertilization and embryonic development have much to do with the survival of young animals and is a useful characteristic to look for when classifying animals.   

Most amphibians reproduce in the water. Females lay many jelly-like eggs in a mass. Males then release their sperm in the water nearby. Because fertilization is external to the animals, many of the eggs will go unfertilized and the ones that do get fertilized are left to develop on their own in the water where they are very vulnerable to hungry prey. That is why so many eggs are laid in the first place: very few will become adults. 

In birds, fertilization is internal and therefore more successful. Eggs, either fertilized or unfertilized are laid with a hard, protective shell; the mother watches over and warms the eggs until they hatch. In placental mammals, fertilization and embryonic development occur within the protective environment of the mother's uterus. This gives the young their best chance for survival. Because it takes so much energy from the mom, usually only a few offspring are born at a time. 

All animals are chemoheterotrophs. They usually take food into their bodies and digest it there. Sugars and starches are broken down and combined with oxygen to generate ATP, or energy.  Proteins are broken down into amino acids and recycled to create the proteins needed by each particular cell at any given moment. Most animals move around to find their food – mobility is an important adaptation—but a few, like sponges and coral, are sedentary. They have to sit and wait for their food to come to them. They have filters that let water through but capture the tiny food particles floating in the water. Most animals also have a highly developed nervous system and muscle system, which they use not only to get from point A to B but also to find and ingest food and water, react to predators or falling trees.

Relationships Between Organisms


Species interact every day. That interaction is a vital part of how organisms develop and change over time. When you study species, it is important to watch the way they interact with their surroundings. There are four basic types of relationships that living things have with one another. 



Commensalism is when one species can benefit from a relationship and not hurt the other.  The word "commensalism" is derived from the word "commensal", meaning "eating at the same table".  The commensal (the species that benefits from the association) may obtain nutrients, shelter, support, or locomotion from the host species, which is substantially unaffected. The commensal relation is often between a larger host and a smaller commensal; the host organism is unmodified, whereas the commensal species may show great structural adaptation consonant with its habits, as in the remoras that ride attached to sharks and other fishes. Both remoras and pilot fishes feed on the leftovers of their hosts’ meals. Numerous birds feed on the insects turned up by grazing mammals, while other birds obtain soil organisms stirred up by the plow.  Various biting lice, fleas, and louse flies are commensals in that they feed harmlessly on the feathers of birds and on sloughed-off flakes of skin from mammals.  Various biting lice, fleas, and louse flies are commensals in that they feed harmlessly on the feathers of birds and on sloughed-off flakes of skin from mammals.





This relationship is when two species are competing for the same resources.  Competition usually happens when you have a limited amount of resources.  Competition in biology and sociology, is a contest between two or more organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc., forterritory, a niche, for a location of resources, for resources and goods, for mates, for prestige, for recognition, for awards, for group or social status, or for leadership. Competition is the opposite of cooperation.  It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared or which is desired individually but not in sharing and cooperation. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment.  For example, animals compete over water supplies, food, mates, and other biological resources. Humans compete usually for food and mates, though when these needs are met deep rivalries often arise over the pursuit of wealth, prestige, and fame.




The heart of mutualism is that two species live together in harmony this is called a symbiotic relationship. Both species receive an advantage by working with the other. 




In ecosystem predation is a biological interaction where a predator (an organism that is hunting) feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked).  Predators may or may not kill their prey prior to feeding on them, but the act of predation often results in the death of its prey and the eventual absorption of the prey's tissue through consumption.




In biology/ecology, parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Traditionally parasite (in biological usage) referred primarily to organisms visible to the naked eye, ormacroparasites (such as helminths). Parasite can include microparasites, which are typically smaller, such as protozoa, viruses, and bacteria. Examples of parasites include the plants mistletoe and cuscuta, and animals such as hookworms.


Unlike predators, parasites typically do not kill their host, are generally much smaller than their host, and will often live in or on their host for an extended period. Both are special cases of consumer-resource interactions. Parasites show a high degree of specialization, andreproduce at a faster rate than their hosts. Classic examples of parasitism include interactions between vertebrate hosts and tapeworms, flukes, the Plasmodium species, and fleas. Parasitism differs from the parasitoid relationship in that parasitoids generally kill their hosts.

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