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Egyptian Legacy

Egyptian Wonders of Science

African people were the first people anywhere in the world to use counting to keep track of their things, or maybe to keep track of time. Around 35,000 BC, somebody in South Africa made the earliest known counting stick, or tally stick, and left it in Lebombo Cave. Somebody cut 29 notches into the stick.


We don't know what they were counting. Some people think maybe they were counting the days from one fullmoon to the next full moon, but it could just as well have been 29 people, or 29 baskets of nuts, or something else. But we can see that by 35,000 BC people in South Africa had the idea of keeping records by making marks.


Further north, in East Africa, people were also using tally sticks. About 20,000 BC, somebody at Ishango, at the head of the Nile River, made another tally stick. This one has groups of marks. Possibly someone used the same stick to keep track of a bunch of different things. Or, maybe the person was doing some kind of math, or keeping some kind of calendar.

Around 7000 BC, people in Egypt and further south in Sudan began to use clay tokens to count things. They probably got the idea from West Asia, where people began using tokens earlier.


By 3000 BC, people in Egypt were using hieroglyphs to write down very large numbers. Soon afterwards, they were also using geometry to figure out how to build the Pyramids.


As the school and university system developed in Egypt, more and more young men - and some women - went to Egypt from West Asia and Greece to study, as Thales is supposed to have done in the 600s BC. About 300 BC, the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy started the great University at Alexandria, and even more students and scholars came to Egypt to study and to discuss math problems with each other. Euclid wrote a textbook about geometry that would be used in schools for more than two thousand years. Eratosthenes, who was born in Libya about 276 BC, came to Alexandria and invented an efficient way to discover all the prime numbers in a set of whole numbers. Archimedes also studied at the University of Alexandria; he worked on getting a more accurate value for pi, and wrote a proof for calculating the circumference of a circle, among other things. The last important Romanteacher and researcher in Alexandria was Hypatia, who worked on proving things about the geometry of cones and what happened when a cone was intersected by a plane. In 415 AD angry Christians killed Hypatia (hi-PAY-sha) because she would not become a Christian.


By the 700s AD, African mathematicians were excited about new ways of writing numbers that they learned from Indian mathematicians. At Kairouan(modern Tunisia), in the 800s AD, Ab Sahl al-Qayrawn wrote a book called the "Book on Indian Calculation" that explained how to use zero as a place-holder. Zero made it much easier to do math. Soon most people in North Africa and East Africa used the Indian number system. The combination of Egyptian geometry with Indian numbers led to many new mathematical ideas. In the 1100s, al-Qurash worked on algebra, and wrote a commentary on the work of the Egyptian mathematician Abu Kamil. Al-Qurash also invented a new method for reducing fractions. Al-Qurash died in 1184 AD. Samau'al al-Maghribi, a Jewish convert to Islam, took steps towards inventing inductive proofs - showing that a statement true for one number is also true for all numbers.


About the same time, another North African mathematician, al-Hassar, developed the modern way of writing fractions, with a bar separating the top from the bottom, like 1/2 or 2/7. Al-Hassar also wrote textbooks in Arabic about how to add whole numbers and fractions, how to calculate square roots and cube roots, and prime numbers. These are probably the books that the European mathematician Fibonacci used when he learned math in North Africa, to bring back to Europe and teach people there. Also in the 1100s AD, Ibn al-Yasamin was a black Berber mathematician from Marrakech who wrote about how to use the new Indian number system in geometry, to calculate areas. Many mathematical books travelled south from Marrakesh and Kairouan to Timbuktu (in modern Mali), so that these algebraic ideas were also known there. Some of the scholars in Timbuktu must have been mathematicians, but nobody knows their names or their work.


Not all Africans used Indian numbers. Around 1000 AD, people in West Africa were using a number system which was partly in base ten and partly in base twenty. For instance, in order to say "50", Yoruba people said "Twenty times three, take away ten". Or to say "318", people said "400-(20x4)-2". The Indian system expressed all of their numbers using addition, as we do (twenty+four), but Yoruba (your-OO-bah) people in West Africa also used subtraction to express numbers, the way we say "ten minutes to four." People in West Africa used cowrie shells on strings of forty shells as a kind of abacus. In the 1200s AD, Ibn Muncim and Ibn al-Banna of the Marinid kingdom (modern Morocco) did some research on the use of number systems other than base ten. Were they trying to coordinate West African and North African mathematics?


Ibn al-Banna also continued al-Hassar's work, writing about continued fractions and improving methods of writing algebraic equations. In the 1400s, Al-Qalasadi in turn continued Ibn al-Banna's work, first in Muslim Spain and then under Hafsid rule (in modern Algeria and Tunisia). Al-Qalasadi worked to find clearer, more efficient ways of writing algebraic equations, using symbols (as we do) instead of using words.

Egyptian scientists were generally most interested in observing nature and practical engineering, and they were very good at both of these things. The pyramids and temples, for example, show good knowledge of geometryand engineering. Egyptian engineers used thePythagorean theorem, thousands of years before Pythagoras was born.


Because the Nile flood was so important to Egyptianfarming, scientists also worked out good ways to measure how high the flood was going each year, and kept accurate records and good calendars. You can see here how the Egyptian wrote down numbers. The device they used to measure the height of the Nile flood is called a Nilometer (ny-LA-muh-terr).


Egyptian scientists also worked out good ways to move water from the Nile to outlying farms in the desert, using hand-powered irrigationpumps (shadufs) and canals.


Egyptian doctors were also considered the best in the ancient Mediterranean. They figured out how to set broken bones, pull out infected teeth, and massage aching muscles. They did a lot of early research into how the human body worked.

It may also have been Egyptian scientists who first figured out how to make wheat and barley into beer and yeast-rising bread.


Throughout all of antiquity, from the Stone Age to the Islamic period, the doctors of Egypt were the best in the Western world, though there were also very good doctors in India and China. But that isn't really saying very much: nobody in the ancient world really understood what caused diseases or how to cure them.


Egyptian doctors mostly believed that evil spirits either got inside your body or sent poisons inside your body to make you sick. To cure you, the doctors made you eat or drink something very nasty-smelling. They hoped the evil spirit wouldn't like the smell and would leave your body. Or the doctors tried to clean your insides out to get rid of the poison, by giving you laxatives or bleeding you. And they prayed to Sekhmet, the goddess of healing. To cure a cold, they gave you human breast milk to drink. These magic things could really help you, because often people get better when they just see the doctor doing something.


Egyptian doctors did also use effective medical treatments. They massaged aching legs and calves, they stitched and bandaged wounds, and they set broken and dislocated arms and legs. Specialized dentists pulled infected teeth and built bridges to replace lost teeth. Midwives helped women with childbirth. Egyptian doctors used powdered charcoal as a medicine to absorb poisons and cure food poisoning (as we still do today), and they put powdered charcoal on wounds to absorb pus and blood and promote clotting.


But Egyptian doctors couldn't do anything about schistosomiasis, which probably contributed to the deaths of many if not most Egyptians.Malaria and tuberculosis also weakened or killed many people, and Egyptian doctors also couldn't treat those.


The biggest contribution of Egyptian doctors to medicine was their research on how the human body worked. They figured out that your pulse was related to your heart-beat. They learned that your bronchial tubes ran under your collarbones, from your throat to your lungs. Egyptian doctors continued to be leaders in medical research through the Hellenistic period and the Roman period into the Islamic period, culminating in the work of the great doctor Maimonides.

By about 3000 BC, the ancient Egyptians had ways to write down numbers. They made one vertical line for one, two vertical lines for two, and so on up to nine. This is the same as earlier African number systems using tally sticks. For ten, the Egyptians made a U-shaped mark that represented the yoke of an ox, and for twenty you made two of the U-shaped marks.


For 100, the Egyptians drew a coil of rope, and for 1000 they drew a lotus flower. They used a finger to show 10,000 and a tadpole to show 100,000, because when the Nile river flooded and the waters went down there would be millions of tadpoles everywhere.


The Egyptian system of writing numbers worked great as a way to write down big numbers, but it was hard to use for multiplication and division. That's why everyone was enthusiastic about Arabic numbers when they came along.

But even using these early Egyptian numbers, Egyptian engineers understood a lot about math. Certainly by the time of the Middle Kingdom (about 1800 BC), Egyptian mathematicians knew that thePythagorean Theorem was true - the squares of the sides of a right triangle equal the square of the hypotenuse - and they used it to design buildings. They knew how to calculate the value of pi (they got it as accurate as 3.16) and they used pi to figure out the area of circles and the volume of cylinders. Egyptian mathematicians also knew how to calculate square roots, and they could solve equations involving squares.

Ancient Egypt - National Geographic
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