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Children with Science experiment

Navigate through the following links to find your topic.  If you are new to the site we suggest starting on the first page and making your way through the site from the begining.  Starting at the first page takes you through a journey through time that your child should find informative, interactive, and allow them to understand the timeline of each subject.  Press start to begin your journey.

Scientific Studies

Creationism and Evolutionary Theory

Human and Physical Geography

Physical Science

Agricultural Science



Planetary Science

Space Exploration


Scientific Studies

  • History of Logic

  • Scientific Method

  • Taxomy-classification of animals, domains, labels, kingdoms, species, relationshi

  • Important Scientists

  • Lab Values, procedures and PPE

  • First Aide

  • Resources, health care system, Careers


Creationism and Evolutionary Theory

  • Introduction to the History of Us

  • Creationism Past and Present-Intelligent design

  • The Creation/Evolution Continuum

  • What is "Intelligent Design" Creationism?

  • Kitzmiller v. Dover: Intelligent Design on Trial

  • "Academic Freedom" Legislation

  • The Wedge Document

  • Early Man

  • Charles Darwin-"The Origin of Species" and evolution theory

  • The fossil record

  • Species Diversity

  • Extinction

  • Survival

  • Sex-Variation to the gene pool

  • Humans-creative, technological, and social explosion 

  • Religion-attempt to explain who we are and how we came to be

  • Technology

  • Careers



Human and Physical Geography

  • Timeline-Young earth vs Billions of Years old

  • Paleoclimatology-study of atmospheric process, extinctions, ice sheets, microfossils, 

  • Cartography-Maps, charts compass, magnets

  • Geochemistry- Earth's Crust, Plate Techtonics, Topography,

  • World Geography-Continents, Oceans, Countries and their capitals

  • USA Geography- States and Capitals

  • Paleontology-Fossils, and Dinosaurs

  • Petroleum geology- Fossil Fuels

  • Meterology-temperature, air pressure, water vapor, Solar Cycle, Lunar Cycle, Water Cycle, Erosion, and Weathering

  • Biosphere-Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, Lithosphere

  • Mineralogy- Types of Rocks, Minerals, metals, Limestone, and soil

  • Organic and Inorganic Materials

  • Geomorphology -Landforms, Coasts, Rivers, Oceans, deserts, Mountains, caves, rainforests, Pangea, Planes, Plateaus, volcanoes, Geysers, and Islands

  • Ecosystem

  • Glaciation-Ice Age

  • Types of Natural Disasters-Tsunami, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tidal Waves, avalanche, forest fires, Floods, Cyclone, Landslide

  • Population-Migration, Settlement, Tourism, Urbanization

  • Environmental Problems-greenhouse gasses, air pollutants, global warming, ozone holes, acid rain

  • Employment Structures-Industry, Economic geology

  • Petrology- Igneous, Metamorphic, and sedintery rock, surveys the distribution, chemical composition, and mineral associations in rocks of the earth's crust and upper mantle, and establishes its relation to tectonic environment

  • Mining and Engineering geologydesign mines for the safe and efficient removal of minerals such as coal and metals for manufacturing and utilities

  • Environmental geology-managing geological and hydrogeological resources such as fossil fuels, minerals, water (surface and ground water), and land use. studying the earth's surface through the disciplines of geomorphology, and edaphology; defining and mitigating exposure of natural hazards on humans.

  • Geological modelling-applied science of creating computerized representations of portions of the Earth's crust based on geophysical andgeological observations made on and below the Earth surface.

  • Geophysics-ravity, magnetic, electrical, and seismic methods. 

  • Historical geology

  • Hydrogeology- distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust (commonly in aquifers).

  • Sedimentologystudy of modern sediments such as sand, silt, and clay, and the processes that result in their formation (erosion and weathering), transport, deposition and diagenesis.

  • Stratigraphy-studies rock layers (strata) and layering (stratification). It is primarily used in the study of sedimentary and layered volcanic rocks. Stratigraphy includes two related subfields: lithologic stratigraphy or lithostratigraphy, and biologic stratigraphy or biostratigraphy.

  • Structural geology- study of the three-dimensional distribution of rock units with respect to their deformational histories.

  • Volcanology-(also spelled vulcanology) is the study of volcanoes, lava, magma, and related geological, geophysical and geochemical phenomena

  • Natrual Resources-discipline in the management of natural resourcessuch as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations.

  • Climate and Environmental Change

  • GPS

  • National Parks

  • Technology

  • Careers


Geography Dictionary



Physical Science

  • Atoms

  • photoelectrons

  • Radiation

  • density, mass, temperature, speed of sound,

  • electromagnetic

  • acids

  • bases

  • Refraction

  • Emmission

  • Scatter

  • Careers


Agricultural Science



  • Cell Structure

  • Cell Function

  • Microorganisms

  • Plants

  • Vertebrates

  • Mammals

  • Invertebrates

  • amphibians

  • replites

  • birds

  • fish

  • ecosystems

  • chemistry of life 

  • waters, acid, and bases

  • properties of carbon

  • marcomolecules

  • membranes and transport

  • energy and enzymes

  • cellular respiration

  • cellular and molecular biology

  • heredity and evolution

  • human biology

  • ecology

  • Careers


Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • Animal Cell Structure

  • DNA

  • Genome

  • Metabolism

  • Skeletal

  • Muscular

  • Circulatory

  • Respiratory

  • Digestive

  • Excretory

  • Nervous

  • Endocrine

  • Hemotology

  • Integumentary

  • Immune

  • Lymphatic

  • Reproductive

  • Senses

  • Mental Heatlh

  • Disease Methodology

  • Infetious diseases-CDC

  • Careers




Anatomy Lab

Visible Body


Earth Space Science

  • History of Space Exploration

  • The universe

  • galaxies

  • stars

  • Systems

  • Solar System

  • Universe

  • Meteors, Comets, 

  • Background Radiation

  • motion

  • matter

  • atoms

  • periodic table

  • elements

  • reactions

  • biochemistry

  • thermodynamics

  • electromagnetism

  • light and optics

  • sound and waves

  • modern physics

  • Technology

  • Careers

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