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Space Exploration Earth

The Trojans

The Trojans Heraldy

Japheth son of the Biblical Patriarch Noah


Also Diphath. Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan races - Japhethites). Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons:


Tiras "desire" (sons were Benib, Gera, Lupirion and Gilak) - also Tiracian, Thracian, Thirasian, Thuras, Troas, Tros, Troia, Troi, Troy, Trajan, Trojan, Taunrus, Tyrsen, Tyrrhena, Rasenna, Tursha, Tusci, Tuscany, Etruscan, Eturscan, Erul, Herul, Heruli, Erilar, Vanir, Danir, Daner, Aesar, Aesir, Asir, Svear, Svea, Svie, Svioner, Svenonian, Urmane, Norge (Trojans, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Scandinavians7, Varangians, Vikings, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelandics, other related groups). 

 Scandinavian predecessors have a unique history. Scholars agree that Scandinavians (Danes, Norwegians, Swedes) came from early Germanic people groups, including the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Teutons and Burgundians (descendants of Gomer). Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, is ancestor of those Germanic peoples. The descendants of Ashkenaz have many historical references. Known as the Askaeni, they were some of the first peoples to migrate to northern Europe, naming the land Ascania. Latin writers and Greeks called the land Scandza or Scandia (now Scandinavia). Roman records describe a large city on the southern shore of the Caspian Sea (about 350 A.D.) where a chain of mountains begins, and runs eastward along the shore and beyond it, forming a natural boundary. Those mountains were called the Ascanimians, the region was called Sakasene (a form of Ashkenaz), and the dwellers of the city were the Saki. The Saki tribes had been migrating north to Europe for some time.


The Saki called themselves the Sakasenoi, which we know as the Sachsens or Saxons. Around 280 A.D. the Romans tell of the employment of Saxons to guard the eastern British coasts against barbarians. About 565 A.D., the Saxons battled over territory in the Baltic region with another powerful people, the Svear. Historical records indicate that descendants of Tiras also settled in Scandinavia, a people called the Svear. The Svear are descendants of the first inhabitants of the ancient city of Troy, a people then known as the Tiracians (also Thracians, Trajans or Trojans). They were described as a "ruddy and blue-eyed people". The city of Troy was destroyed around 1260 B.C. after a succession of wars with the Greeks. Thousands of Trojans resettled abroad, which included Trojan warriors who sailed across the Black Sea to the Caucasus region in southern Russia. One of the most documented of Trojan settlements is along the mouth of the River Don on the Black Sea. The locals (Scythians) named those Trojan settlers the "Aes", meaning "Iron" for their superior weaponry. Later, the inner part of the Black Sea was named after them, called the "Iron Sea" or "Sea of Aesov" in the local tongue. Today, the name continues as the "Sea of Azov". 

The Aes or Aesir, traveled from the Caucasus region to the Baltic Sea in Scandinavia around 90 B.C., which is supported by several scholars and modern archaeological evidence. A tribe that migrated with them were the Vanir. The Aesir clans traded with local Germanic tribes, including the Gutar. Romans called the Gutar "Goths", the Aesir "Svear"—Swedes, and the Vanir "Danir/Daner"—Danes. The Svear and Daner populations were described specifically as taller and fairer (blonde) than other people groups in the Baltic region. The Svear population flourished, and with the Goths they formed a powerful military alliance of well-known seafarers. The Romans noted that Svear people together with the Goths were, from the 3rd century A.D., ravaging the Black Sea, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, using the same type of weapons as their Trojan ancestors.


The Svear and Goths dominated the Russian waterways, and by 739 A.D. together they were called Varyagans or Varangians (from the Swedish Vaeringar), according to written records of the Slavs near the Sea of Azov. Like their ancestors, Scandinavians lived in large communities where their chieftains would send out maritime warriors to trade and plunder. Those fierce warriors were called the Vaeringar, which literally meant "men who offer their service to another master". We later know them by their popularized name, the Vikings. Further evidence of Aesir (Asir) settlements in the Baltic region came from their Thracian language, which not only influenced, but is very close to the Baltic and Slavic (Balto-Slavic) languages of today. By the 9th century A.D., the Svear state had emerged as the major power in Scandinavia. The Svear, Daner and Goths, along with other Germanic tribes, settled in what is now present-day Sweden, Norway, Denmark and other parts of the Baltic region. They were forefathers of the Scandinavians—the descendants of both Gomer and Tiras.


However, the thrust of this article is not to determine which layer of the mound of Hissarlik is the Troy of the Iliad, but to determine WHO the Trojans were, where they came from and where they eventually migrated to! In this we are in for some surprises!


Heraldry Points the Way!


If you study the Iliad closely, you will discover that the shields of the protagonists at the siege of Troy were painted with Heraldic Symbols that represented the clans present at the conflict. The leaders of the Greek armies carried shields decorated with both Eagles and Lions, while the Trojan defenders also had Lions on their shields. The Iliad also describes a huge Eeagle as appearing over the contending armies at the siege of Troy. What do these symbols mean?


Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews, records that the Lacedaemonian king Areios sent an embassy to the Jewish High Priest acknowledging that the Jews and the Lacedaemonians were racially akin, both having descended from Abraham. A later High Priest, sending envoys to visit the Spartans recalled the incident.


It is of the greatest interest to read that the seal on the letter from Sparta showed an Eagle holding fast a Serpent. Both these emblems are Isrealitish – of the tribe of Dan! The Spartans had preserved it for their official transactions. This episode is confirmed in the apocryphal Book of I Macabees.


This indicates that the Greeks of this time were of Hebrew Origin!


What about the Lion of the Trojans? Genesis 49:9-11 provides the answer! "Judah is a Lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou are gone up: he stooped down, he Couched as a Lion, and as an old Lion; who shall arouse him?" The Lion, therefore, is the emblem of the tribe of Judah, and is usually shown in a couchant (dormant) position.


Could the Trojans be of the tribe of Judah -- Jews in fact? And were the Greeks and Trojans related to each other -- of the Same racial stock?


Who Was Dardanus?


We have seen mentioned in the Greek legends that Dardanus -- son of Zeus and the nymph Electra -- drifted from the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea to the Troad, and founded the city of Dardania at the foot of Mount Ida. Who was this Dardanus, and where did he come from?


In I Chronicles 2 we read of the line of Judah: "The sons of Judah were Er, Onan, and Shelah. These three were born to him by the daughter of Shua, the Canaanitess...And Tamar, his [Judah's] daughter-in-law, bore him Perez and Zerah. All the sons of Judah were five...The sons of Zerah were Zimri, Ethan Heman, Calcol, and Dara -- five of them in all." (Verses 3-6).


The margin of my Bible also spells Dara as "Darda." An examination of some of the historical clues reveals that there lived in Egypt -- during the time of the bondage of the Israelites -- a man named Darda. According to E. Raymond Capt, "Darda, "the Egyptian," (son of Zarah) was "Dardanus," the Egyptian founder of Troy." (Jacob's Pillar. Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CA. 1977, p. 25).


Hecataeus of Abdera, a fourth-century B.C. Greek historian, states that "Now the Egyptians say that also after these events [the plagues of Exodus] a great number of colonies were Spread from Egypt all over the inhabited world...They say also that those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews (remnant of Judah), which lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country [Egypt]; and this is the reason why it is a long-established institution among these peoples to circumcise their male children, the custom having been brought over from Egypt. Even the Athenians, they say, are colonists from sais in Egypt." (Quoted from Diodorus of Sicily. G. H. Oldfather, 1933. Vol. I, bks. I-II, 1-34, p. 91).


While migrations of "circumcised" aliens from Egypt to Greece and Pontus are noted by Hecataeus of Abdera, there is no mention of Dardanus or Darda. This is because Dardanus left Egypt before the Exodus: "Dardanus is said to have built Troy about thirty-four years before the Exodus." (British History Traced from Egypt and Palestine, by L.G.A. Roberts, p. 27).


The Migration of Dardanus


The early migration of Darda is noted in the book How Israel Came to Britain:

Actually, groups of Israelites began to migrate away from the main body before the Isreal Nation was formed -- while, as a people, they were still in bondage in Egypt. One of these groups under the leadership of Calcol, a prince of the tribe of Judah, went westward across the Mediterranean eventually settling in Ulster [Ireland]. Another, under the leadership of Dardanus, a brother of Calcol, crossed to Asia Minor to found the Kingdom later known as Troy. -- Canadian British Israel Assn. Windsor, Ontario, p. 2.


Author Roberts also reveals that "Mr. W. E. Gladstone says that the Siege of Troy was undertaken by DANAI [the Greeks] against Dardanai [the Trojans], and these were the originally one..."


In Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage, by W. H. Bennett, we learn more about the migration of Dardanus from Egypt to the Troad:


With these things in mind, let us now turn to that other part of ZARA'S DESCENDANTS which FLED OUT OF EGYPT under the leadership...[of] DARDA. In the authorized Version of the Bible this name is spelled DARA, but in the margin the ALTERNATE spelling is DARDA and the Jewish historian Josephus calls him DARDANUS. This is significant because the group which he led went NORTHWARD across the Mediterranean Sea to the northwest corner of what we now call ASIA MINOR. There, under the rule of DARDA (DARDANUS) they established a Kingdom, later called TROY, on the southern shore of that narrow body of water which bears his name to this day -- DARDANELLES. -- Canadian British Israel Assn., Windsor, Ontario. 1985, p. 119.


Details of DARDA'S voyage to the Troad (as found in the Greek legends) are revealed in the Encyclopedia Britannica:


DARDANUS, in Greek legend, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Electra, mythical FOUNDER OF DARDANUS on the Hellespont and ANCESTOR OF THE DARDANS of the Troad and, through AENEAS, of THE ROMANS. His original home was supposed to have been Arcadia. Having slain his brother Iasius or Iasion (according to some legends, Iasius was struck by lightning), DARDANUS FLED ACROSS THE SEA. He first stopped at SAMOTHRACE, and, when the island was VISITED BY A FLOOD, CROSSED OVER TO THE TROAD. Being hospitably received by Teucer, he married his daughter Batea and became THE FOUNDER OF THE ROYAL HOUSE OF TROY. -- 1943 edition. Vol. 7, p. 56.


Actually, the FIRST stopover for Dardanus, on his way to the Troad, was CRETE! Notice what Herman L. Hoeh says in his discussion of the Early Bronze Age: "'Early Bronze I' -- ends in 1477 [B.C.] with VIOLENT DESTRUCTION everywhere in WESTERN ANATOLIA and AT TROY; 1477 marks the conquest of the Troad by DARDANUS AND THE TEUCRIANS FROM CRETE..." (Compendium of World History, Vol. I. Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA 1962, p. 470).


The flood or deluge mentioned by the Encyclopedia Britannica and others is prominent in the Greek legends of Dardanus. At the time of the Exodus tremendous events of a cataclysmic nature occurred in the Mediterranean area. Caius Julius Solinus, in his work Polyhistor, notes that "following the DELUGE which is reported to have occurred in the days of Ogyges, a heavy night spread over the globe." (Quoted in Beyond Star Wars, by William F. Dankenbring, p. 13). Heavy DELUGES of rain are reported in the works of early Arab historians -- all the result of massive upheavals in earth and sky. The great volcanic explosion of the island of Thera in the Aegean Sea occurred around this time and would have caused huge tidal waves or tsunamis throughout the Mediterranean.


It seems apparent, therefore, that Dardanus left Egypt before the Exodus, spending some time in CRETE before voyaging on to Samothrace. After leaving the island of Samothrace his ship was probably disabled by the deluge or flood that occurred at the time of the Exodus, and drifted helplessly across the sea to the Troad.


The Cretan Connection!


There are numerous links between Troy and Crete. Dardanus built a city at the foot of MOUNT IDA in the Troad; there is also a MOUNT IDA near the Cretan city of MYCENAE! The Link, published by the Christian Israel Foundation, notes that "perhaps the most striking evidence of an ISRAELITISH MIGRATORY SETTLEMENT IN CRETAN MYCENAE is to be found in Sir Arthur Evans' monumental work, 'Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult,' in which it is established that HEBREW RITUALS were observed there...This culture MOVED TO ASIA MINOR, where, behind TROY, we again find a MOUNT IDA (JUDAH), and where, as in MILETUS, survived the belief in the CRETAN ROYAL DESCENT." (June, 1989, p. 261).


Crete had early contacts with Greece and Asia Minor, where many archaeological finds testify to the fact. The civilization of Cretan Mycenae bore a STRIKING RESEMBLANCE to that of the Hebrews and, according to the Roman historian TACITUS, the "Jews" were "natives of the ISLE OF CRETE," who derived their name from that of Mt. Ida (JUDAH), well known in ancient history and mythology. This account in the works of Tacitus might well be considered fantastic were it not for the fact that a MOST INTIMATE cultural link existed BETWEEN THE MYCENAEANS AND THE ISRAELITES!


"Later Greek myths indicate that they [the TROJANS] CAME FROM THE SAME SOURCE as THE MYCENAEANS, but moved farther north to cross into Asia Minor at the Bosporus, the strait between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea in Russia.

"They then migrated into what is now TURKEY. Finally a branch under ILUS founded TROY under the name 'Ilium.'" (The Mysteries of Homer's Greeks, by I. G. Edmonds. Elsevier/Nelson Books, N.Y. 1981, pp. 71-72).


Tacitus, Josephus, and others point to the establishment of a JUDAHITE ROYAL LINE IN CRETAN MYCENAE -- established by EXILES FROM EGYPT who practiced CIRCUMCISION and were considered "ALIENS" by the Egyptians!!


Dardanus was clearly the Darda of the Bible -- the son of Zarah and grandson of Judah -- and a prince of Judah in his own right!


The Royal Line of Darda


After building the city of Dardanus in the Troad, DARDA established his ROYAL LINE in the land, which continued as follows:




3/. TROS

4/. ILUS




Priam's reign ended in 1181 -- the year the Trojans were crushed in the First Trojan war by their brethren the Greeks. AENEAS, of the royal line, escaped the destruction of Troy and made his way to ITALY. The story of his migration is found in the Aeneid, written by the Roman historian Virgil. Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia outlines the story:


The AENEID is a mythical [according to the "experts"] work in twelve books, describing the wanderings of the hero AENEAS and a small band of TROJANS after the fall of Troy. Aeneas escaped from Troy with the images of his ancestral gods, carrying his aged father on his shoulders, and leading his young son ASCANIUS by the hand, but in the confusion of his hasty flight he lost his wife, Creusa. He collected a FLEET OF TWENTY VESSELS, and sailed with the surviving Trojans to THRACE, where they began building a city. Aeneas subsequently abandoned his plan of a settlement there and went to CRETE, but was driven from that island by a pestilence. After visiting EPIRUS and SICILY (where his father died), Aeneas was shipwrecked on THE COAST OF AFRICA and welcomed by DIDO, Queen of CARTHAGE. After a time he again set sail; Dido, who had fallen in love with him, was heartbroken by his departure and committed suicide. After visiting SICILY again and stopping at CUMAE, ON THE BAY OF NAPLES, he landed at the MOUTH OF THE TIBER RIVER, SEVEN YEARS after the fall of Troy. Aeneas was welcomed by LATINUS, KING OF LATIUM. Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus, was destined to marry a stranger, but her mother Amata had promised to give her in marriage to TURNUS, King of the Rutulians. A war ensued, which terminated with the defeat and death of Turnus, thus making possible the marriage of Aeneas and Lavinia. Aeneas died three years later, and his son ASCANIUS FOUNDED ALBA LONGA, the mother city of Rome. -- Vol. I. MCMLXXV, p. 196.


The Compendium of World History records that "the refugees of the First Trojan War Italy. They founded Lavinium two years after the First Trojan War -- that is, in 1179 -- and later the city of Alba (the site of the Pope's summer palace today) at the time of the Second Trojan War in 1149. The TROJAN ROYAL HOUSE founded in Italy a line of kings that reigned in Alba from 1178 until 753, when the center of government passed to Rome."


The Line of Latinus


Latinus, king of Latium, was himself descended from JUDAH! Notice:


The famous woman ELECTRA or ROMA was daughter of Atlas Kittim. Josephus reveals ATLAS to have been Epher, ABRAHAM'S GRANDSON. His daughter, the concubine of JUPITER or JUDAH (see Icelandic history...), could be no other than the Biblical TAMAR. From Electra, who later married Cambon, came a LINE OF RULERS who were later accounted gods or divine heroes. The list carries us down to the coming of AENEAS OF TROY.... All these royal lines were related to the family of...JUDAH. -- Compendium of World History, Vol. II, pp. 137-138.














The 35th year of Latinus' reign was 1181-1180 -- the year of AENEAS OF TROY'S arrival in Italy. (See Dionysius of Halicarnassus, I, 44). In his 38th year Latinus died and Aeneas succeeded him, thus ensuring the line from Judah would continue.


Latinus, the king of Latium who preceded the Trojans, died in 1178 -- three years after the fall of Troy in 1181. Aeneas the Trojan, son-in-law of Latinus, succeeded him and reigned for three years (1178-1175). He, in turn, was succeeded by his son ASCANIUS -- who reigned for 38 years (1175-1137).


Brutus Driven From Italy


The Annals of the Romans relate that after Aeneas founded Alba, he married a woman who bore him a son named SILVIUS. Silvius, in turn, married; and when his new wife became pregnant, Aeneas sent word to him that he was sending a wizard to examine the wife and try and determine whether the baby was male or female. After examining Silvius' wife, the wizard returned to his home, but was killed by ASCANIUS because of his prophecy foretelling that the woman had a male in her womb who would be the child of death -- for, as the story goes, the male-child would eventually kill his father and mother and be a scourge to all mankind.


During the birth of the child, Silvius' wife died, and the boy was reared by the father and named BRITTO (BRUTUS). Many years later, fulfilling the wizard's prophecy, the young man BRITTO killed his father by accident while practicing archery with some friends.


Because of this terrible accident, BRUTUS was DRIVEN FROM ITALY and came TO THE ISLANDS OF THE TYRRHENE SEA. According to Herman L. Hoeh:


A son, BRUTUS, expelled from Italy returned to the Aegean area and organized the ENSLAVED TROJANS, LYDIANS AND MAEONIANS. The Greeks were defeated and TROY WAS RECAPTURED. With the recapture of Troy in 1149 the list of Sea Powers of the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean began. According to the terms of the treaty with the Greeks BRUTUS MIGRATED, with all who wished to follow him, VIA THE MEDITERRANEAN INTO BRITAIN. --Compendium of World History. Vol. I, p. 454.


The tradition of Brutus' migration to Britain was never questioned until the last century, when German scholars and rationalists decided that the story related in Homer'sIliad of the siege and destruction of Troy by the Greeks, and the subsequent dispersion of the Trojan princes, was nothing but a "Poet's dream" and a "mythological myth." The coming of Brutus to Britain was therefore pronounced to be "fabulous" -- a legend that had no foundation in fact.


The following quotation from Drych y Prifoesedd ("The Mirror of the Principal Ages"), by Theophilus Efans of Llangammarch, Wales, sheds light on the origin of the discredit thrown upon the historical value of Geoffrey of Monmouth's writings about Brutus. There might be reason for uncertainty if the statements of Geoffrey of Monmouth stood alone, but when we find them constantly corroborated in the old manuscripts as well as by Welsh writers of repute, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss them as "Monkish fables"!


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