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Prehistoric Adam and Eve

Human Spirituality

Understanding God's relationship with Creation

Is there LIFE on other planets?


QUESTION:   Is there LIFE on other planets? Would evidence proving it exists contradict the Bible and its teachings on creation?


ANSWER:  There is much evidence of "extraterrestrial life" but not necessarily living on other planets. The Bible states that at least 100 million living non-human creatures exist that are not earth bound: "Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands . . ." (Revelation 5:11, NKJV throughout).


Additional places in the scripture indicate that the amount of life that is not on the earth is innumerable (Hebrews 12:22). Some of these creatures have animalistic forms such as an ox, eagle or lion while others have a more humanlike appearance. Many of them have wings with multiple eyes (Revelation 4:6 - 8).


These beings have many times visited the earth (Hebrews 13:1 - 2). They visited the earth and met with Lot shortly before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19). They talked and ate a meal with the great patriarch Abraham (Genesis 18:1 - 8). None of these life forms distorts the Bible's teaching about creation. In essence, they support it (see Job 38:4 - 7).


With this as a background, let us consider the question about beings on other planets. God (Christ) reveals himself as the creator of all, which means everything. He created our sun and every star that exists, some so far away they appear as points of light. He created the various island universes we call galaxies, which have hundreds of billions of stars. He created matter, gravity, force, energy, radiation, colors, angels, spiritual principles, and even time. He is the creator of all things and all thing exist because he has brought them into being (Colossians 1:12 - 13, 15 - 17).


Science has so far revealed (from a physical perspective) that NO living beings exist anywhere except on the earth. Science also reveals that living things can only come from existing living things. It cannot come from inorganic matter. If something is alive somewhere else then God himself would have created it. It would not have come into existence through evolutionary processes.


Life is extremely complex and from a scientific and mathematical perspective, earth probably contains the only living entities that exist in the cosmos. It is highly unlikely, probably impossible, that living creatures exist anywhere else. Evolutionary science is blind to all of the above, because they have rejected the knowledge of God.


From the view of the Bible, if life on other planets exists then God created it. If he created conscious, thinking beings, they would have served his purpose and would not distort the Biblical concept of creation. Instead, it would support his creation, since he would be the author of them and still have his purpose fulfilled.



Life after Death


Does LIFE after death exist? Do we have a soul that lives on after we have died? Is there a coming resurrection and if so, what happens when it occurs? To KNOW what happens the moment after we die has eluded mankind for centuries.


Some believe in reincarnation, the idea that man's soul comes back to life on earth in a different body or form. Many who say they are Christians, especially Catholics and Protestants, believe in the immortality of the soul. This soul, according to the teaching, goes directly to heaven upon death, or immediately to the flames and torture of Hell, or to a middle state of existence known as purgatory.


The Bible states each human being has two separate dimensions to their life, one is spiritual, and the other is physical. They give man the ability to live and to think (to make choices). Jesus reveals to us the existence of these two pieces that make up a human.


Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but do not have power to destroy the life; rather, fear Him Who has the power to destroy (put to death) both life and body in Gehenna (Matthew 10:28, Holy Bible in Its Original Order - A Faithful Version, see also Luke 12:4-5)


Jesus warns us not to fear other humans who can only affect our physical existence. We are to fear, however, God who can take away both our physical existence (our body) AND permanently kill the spirit within us.


Two parts to existence


Man is made up of physical and spiritual elements that can be destroyed forever by God. The physical part of his existence is what man shares with every living creature. The Hebrew word for this aspect of every living thing is nephesh (Strong's Concordance #H5315). It refers to an existence that is sustained by food, air, and water; one that can cease, perish and die.


And God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures (nephesh) after their kind - livestock, creeping things . . .' (Genesis 1:24)


Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (nephesh) (Genesis 2:7)


Note that there is nothing stating that nephesh, the part of existence man has it common with all living creatures, is immortal or lives forever. In fact, the Bible is clear that this physical part of man CAN and DOES die. It is mortal and not conscious after death.


Behold, all souls (in this context it means those who have life) are Mine . . . The soul that sins, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4)

the living know that they shall die; but the dead do not know anything, nor do they have any more a reward; for their memory is forgotten (Ecclesiastes 9:5, see also 3:19)


God gave humans the ability to live a physical life and to think, create and chose. The Bible calls the entity that makes this possible in every human the "spirit in man." This non-physical component enables humans to be conscious, to be able to think, choose and feel, and have a relationship with God.


But there is a spirit in man . . . (Job 32:8)


Thus says the LORD, who stretches forth the heavens . . . and forms the spirit of man within him (Zechariah 12:1)

Human life is unique in all of creation. It is the ONLY thing that possesses both physical and spiritual existence.

Man's spirit upon death


When our life ends in death the physical part of our existence, our bodies, returns to the ground from where God made it (Genesis 3:19). However, what happens to the spirit in man? Where does it go when we die? Wise King Solomon also wondered what happens to this spiritual component of humans.


21 How can anyone be sure that the human spirit goes upward while an animal’s spirit goes down into the ground? (Ecclesiastes 3:21)


Solomon answers his own question in the above verse a few chapters later.


7 Our bodies will return to the dust of the earth, and the breath of life (our human spirit) will go back to God, who gave it to us (Ecclesiastes 12:7)


At death, the spirit of man returns to God who gave it. King David also understood that God was the owner of this spirit.


Into Your hand I commit my spirit; (Psalm 31:5, see also Luke 23:46)


Revelation also tells us that man's spirit (in this case, of those who are true Christians) belongs to God (see Revelation 6:9-10).


Do the dead merely SLEEP?


Several verses in the Bible talk of those who are dead as being in a state of dreamless sleep. This is because those who have died are not conscious nor have any thoughts (Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6).


And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake . . . (Daniel 12:2)


He (Jesus Christ) said to them (his disciples), 'Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep . . .' (John 11:11, see also 1Corinthians 11:30, 15:51-52)


The countless humans who have ever lived and are now dead are unaware of the passing of time. The time period from their death to when God resurrects them will seem, to them, like one occurred immediately after the other - even though the actual time between the events may be thousands of years apart.


More than one resurrection


The Bible delineates not just one, but two (and likely three) resurrections back to life. The purpose of the first one is to give God's elect, at the return of Christ to the earth, immortality.


There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; (1Thessalonians 4:16, see also Matthew 24:29-31 and 1Corinthians 15:51-52)


The SECOND "life after death" resurrection from the dead occurs after what is called the Millennium, or Jesus' reign on earth for a thousand years.


"(But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were completed.) This is the first resurrection" (Revelation 20:5).


The purpose of this, the greatest resurrection, is to offer those who never had a FULL opportunity for salvation a chance to live God's way and accept his gift of immortality. The vast number of humans who have ever lived will populate this resurrection. These either never heard the gospel message, heard only part or received a counterfeit message, or may have heard it but God decided at the time not to open their minds and hearts to his truth.


Though not conclusive, Isaiah 65 seems to show that God will grant a one hundred year life span to human beings in the second resurrection (Isaiah 65:20). God will judge those who are resurrected back to a physical existence in the same way He NOW judges those who are true Christians - by His words in the Bible. These countless billions of unsaved people will have a FULL chance to understand the Gospel and live forever.


There is also some evidence that God will have a THIRD resurrection, a resurrection to life whose purpose is to deal with the incorrigibly wicked by executing them forever - a final death from which there will be no resurrection.

Prehistoric Adam and Eve

WHY did God create Man?


In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth, day and night, and all the animals on our planet - for a purpose. However, did He create man as some kind of hobby? Have you ever wondered WHY you were born? Does our existence END at death? What is our ultimate destiny? Do we exist to rule the UNIVERSE?


The culmination of God's creation was to create US, man, which is what Genesis clearly states (see Genesis 1, especially 1:26).


The Hebrew word for God is Elohim in Genesis 1:26 and elsewhere, which is a plural form, and for that reason, we find the One who is the Creator referring to "our" image (Genesis 1:26-27). Amazingly, God consists of more than one Being. As the Bible continues its revelation of these Beings, it shows them in a family relationship.


Of all His wonderful creations, we are our Creator's greatest achievement. Through the human reproductive process He set in motion, God has created billions and billions of beings. Moreover, it is His desire that every one of these beings become complete in His eyes. The RESURRECTION, when humankind's nature transforms, will bring completion.


Genesis 1 and 2 describes a PHYSICAL creation -- a model that precedes a SPIRITUAL creation. Some have argued that Adam had the Holy Spirit. "After all," they say, "he was created perfect!" Indeed, all that God made was perfect, but it was PHYSICAL - the human creation was only flesh and blood. Even though Adam was perfect, he was incomplete. He lacked a very important ingredient. He lacked the Holy Spirit. Because of his being incomplete, Adam made a wrong decision in the Garden of Eden. He disobeyed God and obeyed Satan. This was the first sin (Genesis 3:22-24).


It is vitally important that we understand how God redeems us. Our salvation is by grace through faith. Christians are His workmanship -- created in Christ Jesus to perform good works (Ephesians 2:8-10). The ministers of this world would have you believe that there are NO WORKS involved in following Christ. They teach a person need only accept Jesus to receive salvation. This is not what the Bible teaches!


Did God create ANOTHER Adam?


QUESTION:   Did God create another or a second Adam? If not, how did the human race get so BIG so quickly?


ANSWER:  Some people believe Adam and Eve were just two representative people among many, but that is not what the Bible says. The Bible reveals only TWO people were specially and personally created by the hand of God. Additionally, evidence to support the fact that God created only two original humans can be found in the meaning of Eve's name.


After God created Eve He brought her to Adam. Upon meeting his helpmate for the first time he named her in the Hebrew 'ishshâh, or "woman" (Strong's Concordance #H802), which is the generic designation of all females (Genesis 2:23). Interestingly, it was only AFTER they sinned that Adam gave his wife a personal name (Genesis 3:20).


Eve's name in the above verse is translated from the Hebrew word chavvâh, Strong's Concordance #H2332 and literally means "life" or "living." Inserting the actual Hebrew meaning of Eve's name into Genesis 3:20 gives us below.


"And Adam called his wife's name LIFE, because she was the mother of ALL LIVING."


Eve was named LIFE, or the mother of ALL living, because out of her would spring the ENTIRE (not just some of or most of) human race! Eve's name does not leave any room for human beings to BEGIN to come into existence by any other woman or means.


Now let us answer your second question regarding how the human family could have gotten progressively bigger if only two humans were originally created.


The Bible mentions, by name, three children of Adam and Eve. Cain was the firstborn. Seth came into the world sometime after Cain killed Abel, when Adam was one hundred and thirty years old. Genesis 5 tells us that after Seth was born our first parents had other children.


"After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years;  and he had SONS and DAUGHTERS." (Genesis 5:4)



Adam lived a total of nine hundred and thirty (930) years! It would be safe to assume that Eve lived at least as long, maybe even longer, than her husband. Even if we assume they only had three children in their first 130 years together, they had PLENTY of time after this to take full advantage of God's blessing and obey His command to procreate (Genesis 1:28).


A footnote in the writings of the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 1, Chapter 2) stated that a very old tradition said the first couple had a total of THIRTY-THREE (33) sons and TWENTY-ONE (21) daughters!


Additionally, since the first couple were created perfect, their genetic makeup would be perfect and so would that of their first few children. With no genetic problems to enter the picture, God allowed them (for a time) to intermarry and fairly quickly begin to populate the world. As time went by, however, genetic imperfections would make close-kin marriages impractical and a real risk not only for the mother but also the children who could more easily be born with genetic defects and handicaps.

Some mathematicians have calculated that at the time of Noah's Flood, which was roughly 1,600 years after the creation of man, that the population on earth could conservatively been at least ONE BILLION people!


The Bible record leads us to conclude that God personally created only two humans, and then let the biological processes and urges He placed in them do the rest to populate the earth. Thank you for submitting your question about a second Adam.


At what AGE did God create Adam?


QUESTION:  At what age did God create Adam? Was he created to look like a young man or someone older?


ANSWER:  You have asked a good question about Adam that unfortunately is not definitively answered in the Bible. That said, we can draw a general age range from inferences made in scriptures and from man's history.


When Michelangelo sculpted the statue called Slaves in the 1500s he depicted his subjects as young men in their prime at about the age of 30 or so. He also painted Adam in his prime when depicting him on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Archaeologists that have uncovered tombs and mummified remains from the ancient Egyptians have found that most of the statues and masks discovered depict a person at an age when they were in the prime of his or her life (one notable exception is Amenhotep IV). Was this the pride of man to want to look his best for posterity or was this the inspiration of God to do these art pieces in this manner? If it was his inspiration then we might surmise that Adam, who was sculpted out of the red earth of the Middle East, was created in the prime of human life. This prime would be roughly around the age of 30.


When Jesus was killed on the cross he was also in the prime of his life or half way through his earthly lifetime. He is called the Second (or last) Adam in the Bible (1Corinthians 15:45).


We know that after our first parents left the Garden of Eden they were young enough to procreate many, many children. When we study all of the "begets" found in Genesis and elsewhere we see that the first child in each family is usually born when one or both parents are between the ages of 25 and 35. This lends some evidence to the argument that the first man was created in this age bracket.


Was Adam fully comprehending and emotionally mature when he was created? Perhaps, but if he had lived longer in the world of wickedness he would have seen the wisdom of doing things the right way. Instead, he sinned and chose to decide for himself what was right and wrong, instead of trusting in his Maker. One indication that he was emotionally like an adolescent child is when his sin was discovered. Rather than owning up to it like a mature person and asking for forgiveness he chose to lay the blame on another person (Eve). She, of course, followed his example and laid her sins on the serpent (Satan) who beguiled or deceived her.


How long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden before they sinned is not known. We know that their lives were not subject to death until they sinned. Their life span was counted from that point forward. Did God teach them his laws and educate them in the disciplines he thought were necessary for their understanding? He gave Adam the sole task of naming all of the animals. One would need to know a little bit about biology to be able to do that I would think. This also would take a considerable amount of time. God also gave them the dominion over all of the earth with the express command to dress and keep it. This would, of necessity, require some knowledge of the physical world around them.


In conclusion, it would be safe to say that Adam was likely physically created by God to look like a human being in the 25 to 35 year old age range.



Should we believe the lifespans of pre-flood man?


The main focus of skepticism about how long people lived in the Bible has focused mainly on the genealogies listed in the first several chapters of Genesis. Adam lived to be 930 years old (Genesis 5:5) and Methuselah, the oldest human, lived 969 years (verse 27). Noah, who was already 600 years old when the flood came, lived a total of 950 years. What are we to make of all these advanced ages? Although undoubtably humans before the flood lived very long lives, those living after the deluge experienced lifespans that were significantly shorter. For example, Moses lived to the age of 120, which is slightly less than Jeanne Calment who in 1997 died at the age of 122 years.


The ancient Roman historian Varro asserted that to understand the REAL age of the patriarchs one must divide their lifespans by 12 (i.e., substitute lunar months for solar years). This, however, does not work when one considers the age at which the patriarchs sired their first son. For example, if we divide the age at which the Bible says Enoch had Methuselah (65 - see Genesis 5:21) by twelve, we end up having him become a father just after he turned five years old!


What might have caused the decline in lifespans to what we now accept as normal? There are ways to attempt to explain the difference in longevity although they are somewhat speculative. For example, Henry Morris and John C. Whitcomb in the seminal scientific creationist book The Genesis Flood promote the idea that because the earth's water was suspended above it (see Genesis 1:6-7; cf. 7:11) before the great Flood, it helped protect the patriarchs from ultraviolet radiation. Such water in the atmosphere made for a better, more even and temperate climate throughout the earth. After climatic conditions radically changed after the Deluge, people on average lived shorter and shorter lives (assuming they were not cut down by childhood diseases, etc.) to where a 'good long life' was considered living to the age of 70 or 80 (Psalm 90:10).


Much like the belief that God (re)created the world in six days in Genesis 1, it's easy today to be skeptical that the pre-flood patriarchs lived an average of more than 800 years. But, if we remember that an all-powerful, all-knowing God could have remade the world faster than we could snap our fingers, we should not think the information in Genesis is so far-fetched.


Ultimately, it comes down to belief, a reasonable but not blind faith. If the Bible is reliable in what can be checked, it's reasonable to believe in what cannot be checked. It's much like questioning a witness in a court room during a trial. If the witness' story checks out in parts that can be checked, and is not contradictory, etc., then it's reasonable to believe his or her testimony on matters that cannot be verified. This explanation of pre-flood lifespans may not seem fully plausible to our rationalistic minds, but that is where faith comes in.

What are the attributes of God?


Have you ever wondered what makes God who He is? What characteristics and qualities does He possess? What are the attributes that make him divine? Does the Bible reveal what He looks like? Since Jesus is also deity, this article will briefly discuss the characteristics of the Godhead (composed of the Father AND Christ).


What do they look like?


Jesus said no human has seen or spoke to God the Father at any time (John 1:17 - 18, 5:37, 6:46, etc.). The Bible, however, does give us at least some clues regarding certain attributes such as what He (or they) look like. For example, we know that what the two Beings in the Godhead looked like were used as a pattern in the creation of man (Genesis 1:26). They used themselves as the master template from which man's appearance came into existence.


Scripture tells us that God possesses a body composed of spirit (Daniel 7:9-14, 10:5-19, 1Corinthians 15:44, Philippians 3:21), which has a shape (John 5:37) and form (Philippians 2:5 - 7, 3:21). The Beings in the Godhead have a head (Revelation 19:12, 1:14, Jeremiah 19:5, 32:35) which has a face (Deuteronomy 34:10, Genesis 33:10), hair (Daniel 7:9, Revelation 1:14), eyes (Revelation 1:14, Psalm 11:4, 18:24), ears (Psalm 18:6, 34:15), mouth (Numbers 12:8, Isaiah 1:20), lips (Isaiah 11:4, 30:27) and a tongue (Isaiah 30:27). They also possess arms (Psalm 44:3, John 12: 38) which have hands (Psalm 102:25-26, Hebrews 1:10) and fingers (Exodus 31:18, Psalm 8:3-6). They have loins (Ezekiel 1:26-28, 8:1-4), feet (Psalm 18:9, Ezekiel 1:26, 1Corinthians 15:27) and even back parts (Exodus 33:23)!


Moral qualities of divinity


What are some of the character attributes that distinguishes the existence of God? Both Beings are holy, good and perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4, Psalm 18:30, Matthew 5:25, 48, Romans 2:4). They are always faithful (1Corinthians 10:13, 2Corinthians 1:20, Hebrews 6:18), long suffering (Exodus 34:6 - 7), perfectly impartial (1Peter 1:17) and merciful (Lamentations 3:22, Romans 11:32, James 5:11). They both are a living definition of love and truth (John 3:16, 17:3, Romans 15:30, 1John 4:8, 5:20) and the very essence of life (Jeremiah 10:10, Hebrews 7:16, Revelation 11:11). Their perfect character has existed forever and will always exist for all eternity (Hebrews 13:8).


The abilities of deity


What can God do and what does He possess that no other living being can do or have (unless He gives them the ability)? The Godhead is all powerful (Job 42:2, Matthew 28:18, Revelation 19:6) and eternal (Psalm 90:2, Isaiah 57:15, 1Timothy 1:17) with a self-sustaining existence (Exodus 3:14, 6:3, John 1:4, 5:26). They can know anything or be anywhere at any time (Romans 11:33, Psalm 139, Proverbs 24:12). Both God the Father and Jesus Christ can know the thoughts and intentions of anyone (Hebrews 4:12) and can be invisible for as long as they choose (Colossians 1:15).


Did you know . . . ?


What are some little known but AMAZING things that God alone possesses the ability to do or NOT DO? He can choose NOT to know something the moment it occurs (Genesis 3:8-9, 11-13, 18:1-3, 16-17, 22:12). The Godhead can also decide to NOT determine what someone will choose (Genesis 22:12) and can change their stated plans based on what humans do (Genesis 6:1-6, 18:23-33, Jonah 3:10, Isaiah 1:18). In fact, in certain circumstances, God is willing to NEGOTIATE what he will do (Genesis 18:17-33)! Both the Father and Christ have chosen to never lie (Hebrews 6:17-18) and never change their character (Malachi 3:6, James 1:17). Perhaps one of the most remarkable attributes of the Godhead is that there will come a time when they will choose, from the moment of their choice for all eternity, to NEVER remember ANY of our sins (Isaiah 43:25, Hebrews 8:12, 10:17)!



What are the different names of God?



Question: What are the different and various names for God? Where is the best information on the large variety of titles he possesses?

Answer: The word 'God' we use to refer to the Creator and Sustainer of all things is just one of several generic names that refer to deity. It can be used to refer to real or even false deities. When Jesus was on the earth, he warned his disciples and us by extension, to be wary not to worship or follow the teachings of those who are imposters. They desire to be worshipped or believed, as if they were God, but in truth are LIARS.


24. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and they shall present great signs and wonders, in order to deceive . . . (Matthew 24)


The Bible, for the most part, does not offer us personal references for our Creator but rather offers terms that refer to his function or are one of his many titles. Even the unpronounceable YHVH (also known as the Tetragrammaton, the four Hebrew consonants that make up YHVH) translate as 'the Eternal One who preserves' as Frank T. Seekins shows us in his little booklet Hebrew Word Pictures published in 1996. A variation of this title is 'I AM.' The vast majority of human designations do not relate to any title, skill or power a person may possess. In all likelihood, if God does have a personal way of referring to himself, He will not reveal it until after we are resurrected from the dead.


I will write on them (those who overcome and are resurrected) the name of my God . . . I will also write on them my new name (Revelation 3:12)


Remembering that Jesus the Christ or Messiah of the New Testament is the same being as YHVH or JHVH of the Old Testament who created Adam and Eve and spoke to Abram and Sarah and their family, we know this is the only God with whom humans have become acquainted since Creation. Until Jesus came, no one knew the Father. References to him are oblique in the Old Testament as the 'Ancient of Days' or even YHVH as well.


"Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him" (Matthew 11:27)

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God . . . He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God . . . (John 1:1, 10 - 12)


"As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep " (John 10:15)

For a large list of the different names for God and Jesus Christ (who are both members of the Godhead), please visit our article on this subject.


Is God everywhere?


Many Christians think that God is some kind of nebulous spirit that is EVERYWHERE at once. The belief that he is omnipresent (everywhere at the same time) is sister to the doctrine that he has no body and is too great to understand. The first chapter of Romans dispels this lie when it says God's power, divinity and unlimited qualities have been CLEARLY SEEN by mankind (see Romans 1:20).


When speaking to an audience about God I have asked, "How many of you have seen the leader of our country?" Most hands go up. When I ask if they have seen him or her in person most hands go down.


What we have seen is an energy form, light, that comes from the television. Unlike God, the leader's body cannot generate visible light. So energy (light) from the studio lighting is bounced off his body and captured in the camera. It is there changed to electronic energy to be transmitted as radio wave energy to a satellite, etc. It is sent through the air, arrives at your television and is transformed back to visible light for your eyes. And because these radio waves have "intelligence" on them, behold, the country's leader is everywhere, in your home, across the street, in the next state, around the world. If you go into the television or electronics section of any major store the leader might be in dozens of places! Yet, he literally is in one place.


Now, like God, the leader can generate an energy form called sound. Voice sound is the compression and rarefaction of air by the vocal chords. Like the video, this energy is changed at the microphone and transmitted to our television. The leader's image speaks. Likewise, the Father is in one place at one time. But he is everywhere through the power of his spirit ("the power of the Highest" as it is stated in Luke 1:35). His spirit reaches out everywhere he wishes it to go and enables him to do mighty works anywhere as he wills.


No, God is NOT everywhere at once, but in one place only. In fact, he does not appear to even have his eyes constantly watching every thought, choice and action that humans make.


Where did God come from?


QUESTION:  Where did God come from? Was he (or Jesus Christ) created by someone or something?


ANSWER:  There is nothing in the Bible that says God the Father is a created Being or that he made Jesus Christ. If something or someone created God then not only does it mean he is NOT deity (by most people's definition), but it also begs still more questions like who or what created our Creator?


Something has always had to exist, whether it is matter or spirit, intelligent or inanimate. This is because (in a principle going back to ancient Greek philosophy) SOMETHING can never come from or out of NOTHING. A vacuum or void can never produce matter. The universal law of cause and effect states the principle that what a thing DOES is based on what it IS. Because a void, by its very definition, contains nothing and therefore has nothing as a CAUSE, it cannot produce anything (e.g. matter) as an EFFECT.


Either God, as an intelligent Being, has always existed or matter has. It is either one or the other. Matter could not have always existed since, based on the second law of thermodynamics, if it did all the stars would have all burned out by now. Therefore, the existence of an eternal, all-powerful God is required as the 'first cause' of everything that exists.


The 'Big Bang,' of itself, was not the first or initial cause of the material universe we see today. Rather, God's choice (as the first true 'cause') brought everything into existence using the Big Bang.


Concerning Jesus, the Bible boldly states that he was "with God in the beginning" (John 1:1 - 3, 14). Paul wrote to the church in Philippi concerning the nature of Jesus that our Savior was God and therefore was not claiming something that was not his when he lived on the earth (Philippians 2:6 - 7).


What is God's Name?


Does the Bible tell us what is God's NAME? Does he DEMAND we refer to him using it? Do people sin when they refer to our Creator as GOD? Do requests and pleas for help go UNHEARD if a particular Hebrew word referencing the Almighty is NOT used in prayer? Is it sinful and disrespectful to call the Savior of the world Jesus or Jesus Christ? 


There are many arguments supporting the doctrine that, like a unique key, God is reachable only through a SPECIAL name whose spelling or pronunciation is correct. One of the most popular set of references used revolve around what is known as the Tetragammaton. The Tetragammaton is composed of four consonants, usually YHVH or YHWH, that are used in the Hebrew language to refer to the Creator of all things. When ancient Hebrew was written it was done so without any vowels. Those who read the consonants referring to Him were forced to supply the vowel sounds that were missing.


Before we begin our study, we need to first define what a NAME is. Generically, it is a word or term by which a person (or a place, thing, concept or object) can be distinctively labeled and known. Names reference things that exist in the real world. Different languages will have correspondingly different words for the same things. For example, in English we refer to the divine Being who created everything as "God." The French word for our Creator is "Dieu, " the Spanish word is "Dios" and so on.

Pagan references


One of the many arguments touted for using a special, rather than generic, word for God's name is that since the generic was used to also reference pagan deities, it can never be used to refer to the one true Creator. One fact this claim ignores, however, is that one of the Hebrew words used to refer to the Creator, Elohim (Genesis 1:26, etc.), is ALSO used in the Bible to refer to false deities time and time again.


In the Old Testament "Elohim" is used at least 240 times to refer to pagan deities, with variations of the word such as "El" (15 times) and "Eloah" (five times) also used. By the same reasoning used to reject the English designation for the Supreme Deity the Hebrew words Elohim, El and Eloah should not have been used to refer to the Supreme Being by the inspired writers of the Old Testament!


What is often overlooked is the fact that the root word "El" was used by pagans to refer to their gods about the SAME TIME Moses completed writing the first five books of the Bible. This is one proof that shows our Father does NOT prohibit the use of words in other languages to refer to him.


Hebrew references


The Hebrew word Elohim, which literally means 'mighty ones,' is used for God in the Old Testament more than 2,000 times. The first time this word is used in the Bible is in Genesis.


"Then God (Elohim) said, 'Let Us make man in Our image . . .'" (Genesis 1:26)


The root word "El" used to compose the word Elohim was also used in reference to FALSE gods worshipped by the peoples that were Israel's neighbors. Discoveries made at the Canaanite city of Ugarit show this to be a fact.




We know Abraham to be the Father of the faithful, which is to say, the father of the covenant of Faith. Because of his faith He was not only considered righteous (Romans 4:3) but GOD considered him a FRIEND (James 2:23)! Jesus said that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be in God's kingdom (Matthew 8:11). Surely, such a man called upon the Creator, if required, by a special or sacred name. How do we explain, however, that God told Moses that Abraham called upon him using a term different from the one Moses was familiar with?


"I am the LORD (YHVH). I appeared to Abraham . . . as God Almighty (Hebrew: El Shaddai), but by My name LORD (YHVH) I was not known . . ." (Exodus 6:2-3)


Read the above verses carefully. God said He appeared to Abraham and the fathers as El Shaddai. They, however, did not know him as YHVH. How could they possibly be saved if they NEVER used God's name of YHVH or variation thereof to call upon him, a designation many believe MUST be used in order to receive salvation? Remember, Jesus said the fathers would soon be resurrected to eternal life. The answer is simple. Our Father allows humans to refer to him in a variety of ways!

The strongest proof


The greatest argument that combats the belief that God wants to be referred to by some special name or title is the Greek language itself from which we get the New Testament.  The word "kurios" (Strong's Concordance #G2962), from which the English word Lord is derived, occurs 665 times while "theos" (from which we get the word God) occurs 1,345 times.  Interestingly, in several places where the Old Testament is quoted, the GREEK kurios for Lord is used in place of the Tetragammaton (YHWH / YHVH) that was used in the Hebrew!  One example of this is in Matthew 3 which quotes a passage from Isaiah. 


Prepare a road for the Lord (kurios), make a straight path for him to travel (Matthew 3:3)

The original language version of Isaiah 40:3 from which Matthew 3:3 quoted uses YHVH (Strong's Concordance #H3068) for "the Lord."  The apostle Paul also substituted YHVH when he quote Old Testament verses (see 1Corinthians 1:31; Romans 4:8; 9:23, etc.). When Jesus made his triumphal arrival in Jerusalem the people did not say YHVH or variation thereof when the quoted Psalm 118:26 but rather the following.


"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (kurios)!" (Matthew 21:9)


When Jesus quoted the Psalms in reference to Himself He did not say YHVH or YHWH or insert vowels to pronounce the word correctly. Had he done so the self-righteous religious leaders who HATED him who have had him immediately executed (see Luke 20:41-44)! 


Did Jesus ever say YAHWEH?


Did Christ and the apostles use "Yahweh" in their public preaching, at least among the Jews in the first century?  If they had, the common people would have reviled them, and the Scribes and Pharisees would not have had to wait long to execute them all.  Remember that when Christ was on trial, the Sanhedrin sought, and got, various falsewitnesses in order to accuse Him (Mark 14:55-59; Matthew 26:59-61).  Had He said the name "Yahweh" any time during His public ministry, sentencing Him to death by the religious leaders for what THEY considered was a sacred name would have been easy. 


A Fundamental error


Fundamentally, the error committed by the doctrine that Christians must use a Hebrew name when referencing the Godhead is an idea that is read into several scriptures in the Old Testament.  When those who have such beliefs confront New Testament Greek text that contradicts their position, the text is said to be wrong.  What is almost entirely forgotten is that, in the Eternal's sight, it is not what we say but what we do while serving him that matters (Matthew 7:21). Let us look at one last scripture.


In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God . . . Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him. (Hebrews 5:7)


Note that Jesus was heard not because He used a special reference to his father. He was heard because his was humble and feared God.


How can we KNOW that God exists?


Does God EXIST? Is FAITH the only proof of his existence? On the other hand, does he want us to PROVE to ourselves that he is REAL? The Bible says "Put me (God) to the test . . ." (Malachi 3:10). It also encourages us to test all things (1Thessalonians 5:21). Our father says that true faith is based on evidence (Hebrews 11:1). The faith we have that the sun will rise tomorrow, though we have not yet seen it, is because we have seen it rise day by day in our lives.  Therefore, we have essentially perfect faith that there exists a sun and that it will be there tomorrow for us.


Evidence Left Behind by God


If someone took you to an island and told that nobody had ever been there before, what would you know if you found the following? As you reached the shore of the island, you saw a trail of bricks (like those to build a house) going off into the interior of the island. At the beginning of the trail was one brick. Ten feet away was a pile of two bricks, laid neatly together to form a square. Ten feet farther away there are three bricks, in a neat pile. Yet another ten feet showed four bricks, in a neat cubic stack. Every ten feet you see: five bricks, six bricks, seven bricks, on into the interior of the island in neat piles ten feet apart.


When you saw this, who could convince you that nobody had ever been to this island before? Could they convince you that the seas had roared from time to time and finally coughed up these bricks, neat rectangular solids? Those millennia of high tides had washed these bricks into neat stacks and numerically sequenced them through the millions of years. Then they would have you believe that you happened on this situation in the right decade before another storm came up and scattered them?


What would you know? You would know that someone does exist that visited the island. The brick trail tells you so. WHY does it? The two things that give you knowledge that someone had been there are STRUCTURE and NUMERICAL SEQUENCE.


Structure Demands a Builder


You know that structure requires someone to structure it. The rectangular solids like a brick require an equal spacing of the piles require a hand to space them in such a structure, neat piles require someone to pile them neatly. The bricks demand a brick maker who gave them all their uniform rectangular solid shape. The spacing of the brick piles ten feet apart would demand a mind to measure and space them. Someone stacked the neat piles. Structure demands a builder. The structured trail demands a builder who made this trail.


Furthermore, we realize that someone had to count out the bricks in order for each pile. Numerical sequence demands a mind that can count (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) and that is rational and not random. You would know that someone had been there! Such bricks and their arrangement in sequences and patterns could NOT have evolved from the mindless process known as the THEORY of evolution! Only a fool could be convinced they just happened into that numerical configuration over millions of years.


The Atomic Chart


Most all of the civilized world today receives some instruction on the structure of matter, in many cases even before high school. In many large dictionaries under the word "element,” you will find a page showing the Atomic Elements. This chart shows what puts the world together. The chart, called the Periodic Table of the Elements, shows each element and its atomic number. If you have an advanced science book, a chemistry book, or physics book, it should also have a Periodic Chart.


Hydrogen, the smallest of all atoms, is atomic number 1. Its symbol is H. You will see in the upper part of the Periodic Chart a box with an H and a 1 in it. This is the symbol for this simplest atom, hydrogen, which has one proton in the nucleus (center) and one electron orbiting the nucleus. It is atomic number 1: 1 proton, 1 electron. 


In analogy, let us consider a proton like earth and the electron like the moon in orbit around it. The atomic number is always the number of protons (earths) in the nucleus. As you go across the chart to the upper right, the next box has "He" and 2 in it. "He" is the symbol for Helium. Helium has 2 protons in the nucleus and 2 electrons orbiting. Therefore, number two goes to Helium. We could think of the protons as stuck together in the nucleus. In our analogy, this would be as two earths stuck together like a "peanut cluster" and electrons in orbit like two separate moons around the two-earth cluster.


As we continue through the chart, we see Lithium, Li, has an atomic number of 3, for it has three protons in the nucleus and 3 electrons in orbit. Therefore, it is with Beryllium, symbol Be, atomic number 4 with four protons in a peanut-like cluster nucleus and 4 four moon-like electrons in orbit.


Matter in its elemental form is structured and numbered. Number after number has its atom with that number of protons in the nucleus and that number of electrons orbiting them. Aluminum is number 13 (it is lightweight), Lead (Pb) is number 82, and Uranium is 92, as some examples. In addition, of course the atoms are not living, so how can they have evolved by any stretch of the imagination.


A further study of atoms will find even more detail of the structural attributes of God the Designer  (electrons in certain structured orbit levels, a discussion of which is beyond the scope of this article).  


The Creator God left a trail in his creation work to prove he exists, structured and numbered, undeniable except by the fool (Psalm 53:1).

Definition of BLASPHEMY


QUESTION:  What exactly is blasphemy in the Bible? How does one do it?


ANSWER:   First, let us take a look at the primary verses in the Bible that discusses this subject, "every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men except the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit . . . but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not . . . " (Matthew 12:31 - 32).


The English word blasphemy is translated in the Bible from the Greek word blasphemia (Strong's Concordance #G988). It means to vilify, speak evil of, or rail against a person. Webster's Dictionary defines the word as meaning to insult, show contempt of or not revere God sufficiently. The word can be applied to a person who claims some or all of God's attributes. The word profane, a synonym, is defined as abusing or treating with contempt or disdains that which is sacred.


The above shows that blasphemy is not done by accident. It is done when one has the knowledge of the person, object, or idea that is being discussed. This was the initial charge against Jesus that condemned him to die (Matthew 26:63 - 66).


The Bible makes a distinction between what it means to commit this act against the Son of Man (Jesus) versus the Holy Spirit. This, however, begs the question as to why there is a distinction. Why are sins against Jesus forgiven but not those against the Holy Spirit? Does this mean that God's Holy Spirit, given upon repentance and baptism, is somehow GREATER than the Savior of mankind who made the gift possible?


People, out of their lack of full knowledge and understanding, may wrongly commit blasphemy against Jesus and still receive forgiveness. For example, many people living at the time of Jesus - who saw his miracles and heard him speak - concluded that he was from God. However, they also blasphemed because they denied and rejected He was God's son and the Messiah. Yet, because of their ignorance, this sin (upon repentance) will be forgiven.


In fact, a person's rejection of Jesus and his message can sometimes be due to God himself hardening their hearts. Why would God do such a thing? Jesus gives us the answer.


". . . so that they would not see with their eyes and understand with their hearts, and be converted, and I would heal them" (John 12:40, HBFV)


Speaking against or committing blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit is a different matter entirely. Although God certainly worked with a few people in the Old Testament, he did not make His Spirit available to mankind in general until Pentecost in 30 A.D. (Acts 2:16 - 21).


To receive of the gift of God's Spirit, a person must accept and believe that Jesus is God's son and the Savior of the world, repent of sin, be willing to surrender their entire life to the will of God, and go under the waters of baptism (Acts 2:38). If, after all this and receiving the spirit a person with full knowledge REJECTS God and commits blasphemy (has contempt for the spirit within them), her or she then becomes one of God's adversaries (like the devil). Someone who does this has no hope of forgiveness, as they now refuse to repent of their sins and change.


The apostle Paul explains this further.


26 For there is no longer any sacrifice that will take away sins if we purposely go on sinning after the truth has been made known to us (Hebrews 10:26)


The God of the Bible is one of mercy, forgiveness, and love. However, if a person willfully chooses to commit blasphemy against him, he will honor their choice. He will ultimately put them out of their misery in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14 - 15).

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