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With an estimated 400,000 plant species in our planet it becomes ever more difficult to keep account of all the various types of species. The average person however will only be able to identify a few species from all the species in the world.

As a homeschool parent it becomes a good objective to teach our children as part of our science studies the types of species and the role they play in our eco system. A trip to the part can be a day of exploring all the local species of fauna or identifying exotic species. It can be a day of discovery comparing the trees differences or learning about the medicinal purposes of certain species. We can also enhance our learning about these plants by discovering which animals use what specific species as their habitats. But just how can we incorporate this knowledge when we ourselves can't distinguish one from the other?

How Does The App Work?

The Shazam application works through a social network which utilizes photographs to coordinated with collected data from the Tela Botanica Network developed by scientist to identify the plant species. The visualization software recognizes the plant species and cross references the botanical base of more than 4,100 species. The current data base is continues to grow as users contribute to its data base.

Get the app here.

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