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Note Taking 101

The Cornell Note Method divides the paper into 4 sections to better help your students take notes on the subject.

These free printable templates are already divided for you to make note taking even easier!

Once you have divided your paper and recorded the title/topic, take notes while you read (or notes from a lecture) in section 3. Remember to be selective in the points you choose and skip a line between each point.

As you read you may have a question or concern about one of the points the author/lecturer is making. Be sure to record these questions to the left of the corresponding notes in section 2.

This is the step most people skip - review. After you have recorded the information in section 3, you need to review (this is especially important for in-class notes, often notes taken in a hurry won't make sense a week later). At this stage, I like to select a new color (or two) and rewrite the main ideas/arguments either in section 3 or section 2 (your choice). You can also underline, highlight, or even draw illustrations.

Finally in section 4, write a summary of all the material, including your critical questions and considering the following: What’s the significance of this information? Is this material based on certain theories or principles? Does it relate to other materials I have read/covered in the course? How can I apply this information? How does it fit in with what I already know?

Of course you have to review your notes more than just the night before a test/paper writing.

Download the FREE Note Taking Templates Here.

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