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MIT Offers University Courses Online For Free

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is offering all of its under graduate courses for free through their online resources. Prof. Gilbert Strang, Professor of Mathematics stated that “A big part of my life is to open mathematics to students everywhere. I'm very supportive of the whole idea of making these courses available to people around the world. Everyone has the capacity to learn mathematics, and if you can offer a little bit of guidance, the process of discovery is so valuable.”

The courses offer a syllabus, lectures, readings, assignments, projects, and self check quizzes. Course reading books are marked through Amazon for purchase. We suggest finding the equivalent through an online free reading library or ordering the books through your local library as some are quite pricey. The sky is the limit for your child's education, so embrace it.

OCW Course Index by Department

  • Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • Anthropology

  • Architecture

  • Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation

  • Biological Engineering

  • Biology

  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences

  • Chemical Engineering

  • Chemistry

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Comparative Media Studies

  • Comparative Media Studies/Writing

  • Concourse

  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

  • Economics

  • Edgerton Center

  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • Engineering Systems Division

  • Experimental Study Group

  • Global Studies and Languages

  • Health Sciences and Technology

  • History

  • Linguistics and Philosophy

  • Literature

  • Materials Science and Engineering

  • Mathematics

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Media Arts and Sciences

  • Music and Theater Arts

  • Nuclear Science and Engineering

  • Physics

  • Political Science

  • Science, Technology, and Society

  • Sloan School of Management

  • Supplemental Resources

  • Urban Studies and Planning

  • Women's and Gender Studies

  • Writing and Humanistic Studies

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